The feast day of St. Alphonsa is celebrated on July 28. She was born in Muttahupadathu, India in 1910. She is the second canonized saint of India.
Baptized with the name Anna, she had a difficult birth and childhood. Her mother died three months after she was born. She was raised by her maternal Aunt. After falling into a pit of burning chaff, her feet were badly burned leaving her disabled. At an early age, after reading the biography of St. Therese of Lisieux, she had a great desire to become a saint.
In 1927 at the age of 17 she joined the Poor Clares at Christ Convent at Bharananganam. She took the name Alphonsa. She completed her permanent vows in 1936. After completing her own education. Alphonsa taught school but she was plaqued by illness.She became known for her willingness to accept suffering. After enduring several different types of illnesses over many years St. Alphonsa died at the age of 35. Her tomb is a site for pilgrims due to the many reported miracles at the site. The miracle which was approved by the Vatican for her canonization was the curing of a child with a club foot. St. Alphonsa was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in 2008.
Since only grief and suffering have fallen to the lot of my Spouse, I too lovingly embrace them and my soul is at peace, though the body continues to be tormented. For the last seven years I have ceased to be my own, being given over entirely to my Divine Spouse. You know all that and now let the Lord do as He will with me. It is not a cure I am anxious for but only that His Holy Will be fulfilled in me.
Quote of St. Aphonsa
July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood