The feast day of St. Apollenaris is celebrated on January 8.
St. Apollenaris was a bishop during the second century. What we know about him we learned from St. Jerome, Theodoret and Eusebius. Each spoke highly about him.
Apollenaris wrote an ‘Apology’, which is a defense of the Christian faith. He wrote it to Emperor Marcus Ayrelius trying to protect his flock from persecution. The emperor’s army, which was in dire need of water, fell on their knees and invoked the aid of God. Rain began to fall and with the help of the storm his army defeated the Germans. The emperor gave his legion the name “Thundering Legion” and ended his persecution.
St. Apollenaris died about the year 175.
“The Lord was Baptized not to be cleansed Himself,
but to cleanse the water so that those waters
cleansed by the flesh of Christ which knew no sin,
might have the power of Baptism.”
Quote of St Ambrose; Feast day December 7
January is the Month of the Holy Name