St. Clement of Rome was the third successor of St. Peter and the fourth pope of the Catholic Church. He is the patron saint of mariners.
St. Clement was Jewish by birth. He converted to Christianity and became a follower of St. Paul and St. Peter. He was ordained a priest by St. Peter. Because he knew the Apostles he is considered one of the five Apostolic Fathers.
As Pope, St. Clement wrote a letter to the Corinthian Church. The Corinthian Church was in turmoil. He urged charity and obedience. His letter brought peace and order to the Church.
St. Clement lived during a time of persecution. He was banished and sentenced to work with other prisoners in a stone quarry. He continued to successfully convert people. Because of the success he had in converting people, he was sentenced to death. He was put to death by being tied to an anchor and thrown into the sea.
“Follow the saints, because those who follow them will become saints.”
Quote of St. Clement of Rome
November is the Month of the Holy Souls