Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Elisha, Feast Day June 14

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St. Elisha Public Domain Image
St. Elisha

The Feast day of St. Elisha is celebrated on June 14.   St. Elisha was a prophet in the ninth century.  His Hebrew name means “God is Salvation”.

St. Elisha was called to follow the prophet Elijah, his mentor, when Elijah cast his mantle on him indicating that he was to be his successor.  As Elijah ascended into heaven in a fiery chariot, Elisha asked for a double portion of St. Elijah’s spirit.  The spirit he received enabled him  to protect the faith.

St. Elisha was known for many miracles.  He divided the waters of Jordan.  He made the water from the Jericho Spring fit to drink.  He saved a poor widow from death by increasing the oil in her vessel.  He raised a child back to life after death.  He healed a Syrian officer from leprosy by having him bathe in the Jordan seven times.

St. Elisha continued the devotion begun by Elijah to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.  He is considered a patron saint of the Carmelite Order.  According to tradition, Elijah had a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The title of Mary “Star of the Sea” is believed go have originated with this vision.

St. Elisha died from old age at Samaria.


What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?

Quote of St. Ignatius of Loyola; Feast day July 31


June is the Month of the Sacred Heart





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