The feast day of St. Fabian is celebrated on January 19. He was the Bishop of Rome and a martyr.
St. Fabian was a Roman layman. He was visiting Rome after the death of Pope Anteros in 236. During a discussion about who the next pope should be, a dove landed on Fabian’s head, which was taken as a sign from the Holy Spirit. He was soon elected the next Bishop of Rome! He served as pope for 14 years and was known for his sanctity.
There was peace at the time of his election. However, after the death of the emperor Philip, Decius, the new emperor began to persecute Christians, demanding that they worship idols. Pope Fabian held fast to the faith and was martyred in the year 250. He is buried in the Catacombs of St. Callistus which he helped to restore. The stone on his grave has the following words in Greek: “Fabian, bishop, martyr”.
A bird can be held by a chain
or a thread,
still it cannot fly.
Quote of St. John of the Cross; Feast day December 14
January is the Month of the Holy Name