The feast day of St. Hilary of Poitiers is celebrated on January 13.
St. Hilary was raised a pagan; however, he was in search of God. After reading the story of Moses in the Old Testament he found a definition of God which inspired him. In Exodus 3:14 God told Moses:
“I am who I am.”
The simplicity of this statement led St. Hilary to study the bible further. He loved the psalms and stories about the prophets. After reading the Gospel of John he accepted Jesus as the Son of God.
St. Hilary was already married and had one daughter named Apra when he was elected Bishop of Poitiers. He defended the belief that Christ is both human and divine. The Arian heresy was growing which denied the divinity of Christ. He wrote about the Trinity and composed hymns.
When Emperor Constantius ordered the bishops of the West to sign a condemnation of Athanasius, Hilary refused and was banished to Phrygia (Turkey). He became known as “Athanasius of the West”. After seeking a public debate, he was allowed to return home where he was welcomed.
St. Hilary died in the year 368. He was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church.
“Satan once loved me ardently
in the death of sin;
let him behold me reigning with
You throughout the ages.”
Quote of St. Hilary of Poitiers
January is the Month of the Holy Name.