The feast day of St. Josephat is celebrated on November 12. He is a martyr of the church.
St. Josephat was born in Vladimir, Poland, in 1584. His birth name was Ioann Kuntsevych. He was ordained a priest and became head of a monastery at Byline. In 1604, in his early 20s, Kuntsevych entered the Monastery of the Trinity of the Order of Saint Basil the Great in Vilnius, at which time he was given the religious name of Josaphat. He restored sanctuaries, built a convent and converted many souls. He became Archbishop of Polotsk in 1617 at the age of 38. He restored five cathedrals and aided the poor.
St. Josephat sought to bring an end to the divisions which were dividing the church. However, six years after becoming bishop he was assassinated. His body was profaned. He was 44 years old. When his body was recovered nine days later it emitted a fragrance of roses and lilies. This caused many people to abandon the schism.
Five years after his death, St. Josephat’s body was found intact although his clothes had disintegrated. He was canonized in 1867 by Pope Leo XIII.
“Learn to live at God’s hands.”
Quote of St. Edith Stein; Feast day August 9
November is the Month of the Holy Souls