by Theophanes the Cretan
The feast day of St. Justin Martyr is celebrated on June 1. He is a martyr and the patron saint of philosophers.
St. Justin Martyr was born at Flavia Neapolis, Palestine about the year 100. He was raised pagan in a Jewish culture. Justin was a student of philosophy. He was very interested in the teachings of Plato. As a student he studied a multitude of different philosophies before converting to Christianity. After his conversion, Justin began to proclaim his new found faith as he traveled from town to town trying to convert others to the faith. He also spent a great deal of time in Rome. After debating Crescens in Rome, Justin was denounced and condemned to death. Records of his death still exist. He was beheaded in 165.
St. Justin was known as an Apologist. An apologist is one who defends in writing the Christian faith. Two of his Apologies still exist. They are addressed to the Roman emperor and to the Senate. St. Justin is considered the first Christian Philosopher and the patron saint of philosophers.
The greatest grace God can give someone is to send him a trial
he cannot bear with his own powers…and then sustain him
with His grace so he may endure to the end and be saved.
Quote of St. Justin Martyr
June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.