The feast day of St. Laurence O”Toole is celebrated on November 14. He is the patron saint of the archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland.
St. Laurence was born in County Kildare, Ireland. At the age of ten, Laurence became a hostage of Dermod Mac Murchad, King of Leinster. The king gave him permission, when he was twelve, to enter the monastic school of Glendalough, where he studied for thirteen years. When he was only 25 years old, he became the abbot of the Abby of St. Kevin in 1150. He governed the monastery with virtue and prudence.
In 1162, St. Laurence was unanimously chosen as the Archbishop of Dublin. As Archbishop he focused on the reformation of the clergy. He spent much time in prayer, fasted often and prayed for those who had died. He was known for feeding the hungry and aiding the homeless.
St. Laurence participated in the Lateran Council which was held in 1179 by Pope Alexander III. He died in 1180 at the age of 52. Miracles were recorded after his death at his tomb. He was canonized by Pope Honorius III in 1226.
There is One very near you who
knocks at your door every hour of the day,
who begs you to listen to Him
and to keep silence… in order to hear Him.
Quote of St. Just Bretenie’res: Korean Martyr; Feast day March 7
November is the Month of the Holy Souls