Bartoolome Esteban
The feast day of St. Mary Magdalene is celebrated on July 22. She is the patron of penitent sinners.
Mary Magdalene is well known from the gospel account of Jesus casting out seven demons from her.(Luke 8:2) She experienced great sorrow for her sins and became a devoted follower of Christ.
Because of her sorrow, she anointed Christ with her tears and dried His feet with her hair. Mary Magdalene is present at many of the important times in the life of Jesus. Mary Magdalene was one of the women present at the time of His crucifixion. She is the one who discovered His body missing from the tomb. She is honored by being the first person Christ appeared to after His Resurrection.
Each of us has sin in our lives. Whatever that sin is, we can turn to Jesus as Mary Magdalene did… with sincere sorrow… and become true disciples of Jesus. Only if we confide in Jesus in our sorrow and our joy can we truly call Jesus our ‘friend’.
Mary Magdalene reported seeing Jesus after the resurrection by exclaiming to the other followers…
“I have seen the Lord!”
July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood