The feast day of St. Peter Julian Eymard is celebrated on August 2. Peter was born in 1811 in La Mure, France. He worked with his father as a cutler until he was 18.
While he was still a teenager, St. Peter told his father of his desire to become a priest. His father was adamantly against it, wanting him to stay in the family business. Peter began to study Latin while continuing to work for his father. Two years later, Peter’s father refused his request to attend college, wanting him to continue to work with him. Peter managed to attend college by accepting a scholarship. He also worked for a priest at a hospital for the insane.
While at college, his mother died. A priest from the Oblates of Mary received permission at this time from Peter’s father for him to enter the Oblate novitiate. His father died two years later. Five months after entering the novitiate, Peter became very ill. he struggled with illness throughout his life. After his father’s death he entered the seminary at Grenoble. After his ordination he joined the community of Marists. His devotion to the Eucharist and perpetual adoration grew. He helped to spread the devotion of perpetual adoration. St. Peter became known as the Apostle of the Eucharist. He wrote many different books about the Eucharist including How to get more out of Holy Communion.
St. Peter Julian Eymard died in 1868 and was canonized in 1962.
The Lord comes into us Sacramentally in order to live there spiritually.
Quote of St. Peter Julian Eymard
August is the Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary