Tag Archives: St. Jane Francis de Chantal

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Helena, Feast Day August 18

St. Helena Public Domain Image
St. Helena

The feast day of St. Helena is celebrated on August 18.  St. Helena was born in Asia Minor in 248.  She converted to Christianity at a young age.  She married and had one son named Constantine.  Constantine ascended to the throne and she was treated as Royalty.

At the age of 80, St. Helena went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  She and her group unearthed three crosses.  After a woman who was afflicted with an incurable disease was cured upon touching one of the crosses it was proclaimed The True Cross.  A church was built on the site it was found.

On the return trip to Rome, St. Helena performed many charitable works.  She built churches, helped the poor , consoled the sorrowful and visited prisons.  Many prisoners were freed because of her.  She assisted not only individuals but entire communities.

St. Helena presented her son with a gift of a piece of the Holy Cross at the reception given her by Constantine on her return to Rome.

St. Helena died in Rome of natural causes in the year 330.  She was surrounded by Constantine and princes.  Her final words advised Constantine to watch over the Church.  Her body is buried in the imperial vault of the Church of the Apostles.


We should throw ourselves into God as a little drop of water into the sea, and lose ourselves indeed, in the ocean of the divine goodness.

Quote of St. Jane Frances de Chantel; Feast Day August 12


August is the Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Bona of Pisa, Feast Day May 29

St. Bona of Pisa
St. Bona of Pisa

The feast day of St. Bona of Pisa is celebrated on May 29. She is the patron saint of flight attendants, travelers, pilgrims and travel guides.

St. Bona of Pisa was born in 1156 in Pisa, Italy. She was the child of a single mother. She was told that her father had vanished during a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. As a child she was very pious. In a vision while praying before the crucifix, Jesus reached out his hand and touched her. By the age of ten she had become an Augustinian tertiary. (A tertiary is a lay member of a monastic order).

In another vision she learned that her father was still alive and fighting in the Crusades in Jerusalem. St. Bona decided to make a trip to Jerusalem to find her father. After finding him she returned home, only to be captured by pirates on the Mediterranean Sea!  Countrymen came to her rescue and she eventually arrived home safely.

St. Bona was appointed the official pilgrimage guide by the Knights of St. James.  She made nine trips to Spain and Santiago de Compostella, always leading a group of pilgrims. On her final trip she became very ill. She died at the age of 51 after returning home from the pilgrimage.

Pope John XXIII named her the patron saint of flight attendants, travel guides, couriers and travelers.

The greatest method of prayer is to have none.

If in going to prayer one can form in oneself a pure capacity

for receiving the spirit of God, that will suffice all method.

Quote of St. Jane Francis de Chantal; Feast day December 12


May is the Month of Our Lady.

