Every time we attend Mass we offer each other The Peace of Christ. Just what is the peace of Christ? Peace is many things. Primarily, it is the absence of worry and fear. The apostles were very much confused and frightened after the crucifixion. When Jesus appeared to the apostles and Doubting Thomas, Jesus offers them peace. Not once, but twice, he says “Peace be with you.” (John 20: 19-23) Their confusion and anxiety was removed and they went forth to baptize disciples.
Again, what is this peace Christ offers us? When we put our trust completely in God, we cease to worry. It is the knowledge that God not only loves me, but has a plan for me. It is true that there is much suffering in the world; however, when we have Jesus at our side, we are not alone.
Why is there suffering in the world? Why does a loving God permit it? The simplest answer to this is God gives us free will. He does not force himself on anyone. If we want a relationship with God we need to be open to his love. Sin is not the will of God because God is truth and love. Suffering is many times the consequence of sin. Health issues are not usually a result of sin, however they give us the opportunity to turn to God for strength and guidance. Remember, death is a doorway to heaven. How will we ever enter heaven unless death comes first?
When you are suffering, meditate on a crucifix. Jesus suffered for us, to redeem us. If Jesus suffered such a horrible death, why do we believe our life should be free of suffering?
Faith in Jesus is a gift. If we put our trust in God (Jesus), we let him lead us and walk with us every day. We accept suffering as Jesus accepted suffering, knowing that heaven is our reward.
None of this is easy. Many people scoff at the idea that we should accept suffering in Jesus’ name. But when you offer your suffering to Jesus you are discovering the mystery of the cross.
It is by letting Jesus guide us in our darkest moments that we come close to Jesus. How can we trust and love Jesus unless we come to know him? The only way to know Jesus is to talk, and walk with Jesus. Jesus said;
“I am the way, the truth, and the light.” (John 14:6)
When we walk with Jesus and pray on a regular basis our fear turns to trust.
Trust in Jesus is the Peace of Christ.