Category Archives: Saint of the Day

Top 25 Articles of 2024 for the Mystery of Faith

Top 25 Articles of 2024 for the Mystery of Faith


The following articles are YOUR favorite articles on the Mystery of Faith.  I have listed them in order of popularity.  The year of 2024 is gone.   I want to thank everyone for reading the articles I have posted. 

May  each of you have a blessed 2025!

 I have listed the articles in order of popularity.

The most read article of 2024 is…….

  1. Twenty Five Popular Patron Saints Women May Select For Their Confirmation Name
  2. Twenty Five Popular Patron Saints For Men To Consider As Their Confirmation Name
  3. Five Famous Hymns Written by St. Thomas Aquinas
  4. Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Brigid of Ireland, Feast Day Feb. 1
  5. Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Helena, Feast Day August 18
  6. Twenty Five Quotes for Peace from the Saints
  7. Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Rita of Cascia  Feast Day May 22
  8. Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Barbara, Feast Day Dec. 4
  9. Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Valentine, Feast Day Feb. 14
  10. Prayers, Quips and Quotes; All Soul’s Day, November 2
  11. Seven Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  12. Prayers Quips and Quotes: St. Monica, Feast Day August 27
  13. Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Maria Goretti, Feast Day July 6
  14. Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Catherine Laboure, Feast Day November 28
  15. Prayers, Quips and Quotes; Feast of the Holy Family
  16. Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Catherine of Alexandria, Feast Day Nov. 25
  17. Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Dominic, Feast Day August 8
  18. Messages of Hope from the Saints
  19. How Much Do You Know About The Apostles?
  20. Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Feast Day Nov. 17
  21. Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Scholastica, Feast Day Feb. 10
  22. Prayers, Quips ad Quotes: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Feast Day Nov. 27
  23. Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Feast Day July 16
  24. Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Our Lady of Lourdes, Feast Day Feb. 11
  25. Saints from the United States of America

The Creation of Man by Michelangelo Sistine Chapel

Feast Days and Saint of the Day; NOVEMBER CALENDAR

1   All Saints Day

2.  All Soul’s Day

3.   St. Martin de Porres…Peru…Dominican…Incorrupt

4.   St. Charles Borromeo…Bishop of Milan…Oblates of St. Ambrose

5.   St. Elizabeth...  relative of Virgin Mary

6.   St. Theophane Venard...France…Vietnam…Missionary…Martyr

7.  St. Carina and her companions...Martyr

8.    St.  Elizabeth of the Trinity…France…Carmelite…Patron Saint of the sick and the loss of parents

9.    Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome…Pope’s cathedral

10.   St. Leo the Great...Bishop of Rome…Doctor of the church

11.   St. Martin of Tours...Bishop…Patron Saint of soldiers and beggars.

12.  St. Josephat…Poland…Martyr…Bishop…Incorrupt

13…St. Frances Cabrini...Italy…U.S…Patron Saint of immigrants, orphans and against malaria…Incorrupt..Sisters of the Sacred Heart

14,  St. Laurence O’Toole…Ireland…Bishop

15.  St. Albert the Great...Germany…patron saint of scientists and philosophers…Dominican…Bishop…Doctor of the Church

16.  St. Gertrude the Great...Germany…Patron Saint of West Indies, Nuns and travelers…Benedictine…Mystic

17,  St. Elizabeth of Hungary...Third Order Franciscan…Patron Saint of widows, charities, bakers and young brides.

18,  St. Rose Philippine Duchasne…France…U.S.A….Patron Saint of the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, Missouri

19,  Bl. Raphael Kalnowski…Poland…Carmelite

20,  St. Edmund...King of East Angles…Martyr…Patron Saint of kings and against plaque and torture

21,  Presentation of the Virgin Mary...Jerusalem

22,  St. Cecelia...Rome…Patron Saint of musicians…Martyr

23.  St. Clement of Rome...Bishop of Rome…Martyr

24.  St. Andrew Dung and companions...Vietnam…Martyr

25.  St. Catherine of Alexandria…Egypt…Martyr…Patron Saint of Christian philosophers, teachers and librarians

26.  St. John Berchomans...Belgium…Patron Saint of altar boys.

27.  Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal...Vision in France

28.  St. Catherine Laboure’...France….Visionary…Incorrupt

29.  Bl. Denis of the Nativity...France…Carmelite Priest…Martyr

30.  St. Andrew...Apostle…Brother of Simon Peter…Patron Saint of Fishermen, Russia, Scotland, and Greece

Crucifixion of St. Andrew the Apostle by Mattia Petri

Feast Days and Saint of the Day; OCTOBER CALENDAR

St. Francis with Animals

October 1...St. Therese of Lisieux...France…Carmelite…Doctor of the Church…Patron Saint of florists, missionaries, pilots and against tuberculosis

October 2…Feast of the Guardian Angels

October 3…St. Theodore Guerin…France and United States..Patron Saint of the Diocese of Lafayette, Indiana…Sisters of Providence

October 4…St. Francis of Assisi…Italy…Founder of Franciscans…Patron Saint of the environment, peacemakers, and animals.

October 5…St. Faustina...Poland…Apostle of Mercy…Visionary

October 6…St. Bruno...Germany…Founder of Carthursian Order

October 7…Feast of the Most Holy Rosary...Devotion begun by St. Dominic

October 8…Bl. Ambrose of Sienna...Dominican…Peacemaker

October 9…St. Denis & Companions...Italy…Bishop of Paris…Martyr…Patron Saint of France and against headaches

October 10…Bl. Mary Angela...Poland…Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice

October 11…St. John XXIII...Italy…Bishop of Rome…Franciscan

October 12…Bl. Maria Teresa …Fasce…Italy…Augustinian

October 13…Bl. Alexandrina Mariada Costa...Portugal… Patron Saint of the bedridden and paralyzed.

October 14…St. Callistus I...Bishop of Rome…Martyr

October 15…St. Teresa of Avila...Spain…Carmelite mystic…Patron Saint against headache

October 16…St. Margaret Mary…France…Apostle of the Sacred Heart…

October 17…St. Ignatius of Antioch…Bishop of Antioch…Church Father…Martyr

October 18…St. Luke…Disciple of Jesus…Patron Saint of physicians and surgeons

October 19…St. Laura of Cordoba…Spain…Widow and Martyr

October 20…St. Paul of the Cross...Republic of Genoa…Founder of Passionist Order…

October 21…St. Gaspar of Bufalo…Rome…Missionaries of the Most Precious Blood

October 22…St.  John Paul II…Poland…Bishop of Rome…Patron Saint of youth.

October 23…St John of Capistrano...Franciscan…Patron Saint of chaplains, military chaplains and judges.

October 24…St. Anthony Mary Claret...Archbishop of Canary Islands…Patron Saint of educators, the Catholic Press and weavers

October 25…St. John Roberts…England…Benedictine…Martyr…Founder of Claretians…Archbishop of Canary Islands

October 26…Bl. Bonaventura of Poternza…Italy…Franciscan

October 27...St. Frumentius…Lebenon…Bishop of Axsom…Ethiopia

October 28…St. Simon & St. Jude...Apostles…Martyrs..Patron Saint of impossible causes.

October 29...Bl. Maria Restituta...Austria…Franciscan Sister…Martyr

October 30…St. Alphonsus Rodriguez...Spain…Jesuit Brother

October 31…St. Quintin…Italy…Missionary…Martyr

St. Simon and St. Jude


Feast Days and Saint of the Day; SEPTEMBER CALENDAR

Our Lady of Sorrows

September 1…St. Giles the Abbot...Greece…St. Giles is the Patron Saint of the mentally ill, the disabled, epileptics, childhood fears, and depression.

September 2…St. Ingrid of Sweden…Dominican Nun

September 3…St. Gregory the Great...Italy…Bishop of Rome…Patron Saint of musicians, students, singer and teachers

September 4…St. Rose of Viteho...Italy…Incorrupt

September 5…Teresa of Calcutta…Missionary…Sisters of Charity…Patron Saint of the poor and dying

September 6…Bl. Bertrand...France…Dominican…Incorrupt

September 7…St. Regina…France…Martyr…Patron Saint against poverty and abuse victims

September 8…Birth of the Virgin Mary

September 9…St. Peter Claver...Spain…Patron Saint of African missions.

September 10…St. Nicholas of Tolentino…Augustinian Monk…He is the patron saint of the souls in purgatory and the dying.

September 11…St. John G. Perboyre...France…Vincentian Priest…Missionary in China…Martyr

September 12…Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary

September 13…St. John Chrysostom...Bishop of Constantinople…Doctor of the Eucharist…Patron Saint of preachers, speakers and epilepsy.

September 14...The Exaltation of the Cross

September 15…Our Lady of Sorrows…12th century

September 16…St. Cyprian...N. Africa…Bishop of Carthage…Martyr

September 17…Stigmata of St. Francis...Founder of Franciscan Order

September 18…St. Joseph of Cupertino…Italy…Capuchin Mystic…Patron Saint of air travelers, pilots, astronauts, and those with learning disabilities.

September 19…Our Lady of La Salette…France…Approved 1851

September 20…The Korean Martyrs

September 21...St. Mathew…Apostle…Martyr…Patron Saint of accountants and bankers.

September 22…St. Thomas of Villanova…Spain…Bishop of Valencia

September 23…St. Padre Pio...Italy…Confessor…Stigmata

September 24…St. Gerard…Bishop of Csanad…Patron Saint of Hungary…Martyr

September 25…Bl. Herman the Cripple...Germany…Benedictine…Patron Saint of the unborn child and the disabled

September 26...St. Terese Couderc...France…Cenacle Sisters

September 27…St. Vincent de Paul...France…Founder of Vincentians…Patron  Saint of charities, hospitals and volunteers.

September 28…St. Weneslaus of Bohemia...King of Bohemia

September 29…Feast of the Archangels...St. Michael…St. Gabriel…St. Raphael

September 30…St. Jerome...Syria…Patron Saint of Bible scholars…Doctor of the Church


The Archangels    St. Michael, St. Gabriel and  St. Raphael



Feast Days and Saint of the Day; AUGUST CALENDAR



Assumption of Mary

August 1…St. Alphonsus  Liguori...Italy…Patron saint of confessors and theologians…Redemptorist Priest…Doctor of the Church

August 2…St. Peter Julian Eymard...France…Oblates of Mary

August 3…St. Lydia…Early disciple of Jesus

August 4…St. John Vianney…France…Priest…Incorrupt

August 5…Dedication of St. Mary of the Snows...Rome…358

August 6…Feast of the Transfiguration...Jesus with the Apostles John, James and John.

August 7…St. Cajetan...Italy…Patron saint of the unemployed

August 8…St. Dominic...Dominican…Italy… Patron of astronomers

August 9…St. Edith Stein…Germany…Martyr…Patron saint of loss of parents and converts

August 10…St. Lawrence...Rome…Deacon… Patron saint of deacons, librarians, and the poor…martyr

August 11…St. Clare of Assisi...Italy…Poor Clares…Incorrupt

August 12…St. Jane Francis de Chantel…France…Congregation of the Visitation

August 13…St. Maximus the Confessor...Constantinople…Mystic…Author…Abbot

August 14...St. Maximillian Mary Kolbe...Poland…Franciscan Priest…patron saint of drug addicts, prisoners, families, and the pro life movement…Martyr

August 15…Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary…proclaimed dogma in 1950

August 16…St. Stephen of Hungary...King of Hungary

August 17…St. Hyacinth…Poland…Dominican

August 18…St. Helena…Asia Minor…Martyr

August 19…St. John Eudes...France…Jesuit Priest

August 20…St. Bernard of Clairvaux...Burgundy…Cistercian…Doctor of the Church

August 21….St. Pius X...Italy…Bishop of Rome…Incorrupt

August 22…The Queenship of Mary

August 23...St. Rose of Lima...Peru…Third Order Franciscan…Patron Saint of the Americas, florists and gardeners.

August 24...St. Bartholomew...Galilee…Apostle…Martyr…Patron saint against neurological diseases and leather workers

August 25…St. Genesius the Comedian...Martyr…patron saint of actors, comedians and clowns

August 26…Augustinian Martyrs of Africa

August 27…St. Monica...Africa…patron saint of mothers, alcoholism and difficult marriages

August 28…St. Augustine...Africa…Bishop…Doctor of the Church…St. Augustine is the patron saint of brewers

August 29…Beheading of St. John the Baptist…Cousin of Jesus…Martyr

August 30… St. Jeanne Juga...France…Third Order of St. John Eudes…Little Sisters of the Poor

August 31...St. Raymond Nonnatus…Spain…Cardinal…patron saint of women in labor and the falsely accused



St. Monica


Feast Days and Saint of the Day; JULY CALENDAR

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel


July 1…St. Junipero Serra…Spain…Franciscan

July 2…St. Bernadino Realino...Italy…Jesuit Priest…Incorrupt

July 3…St. Thomas...Apostle…Martyr

July 4…St. Elizabeth of Portugal...Queen…Third Order Franciscan

July 5…St. Anthony Zaccarra...Italy…Priest…Incorrupt

July 6...St Maria Goretti...Italy…Martyr…Patron saint of rape victims, purity, chastity, forgiveness, and youth

July 7…Bl. Peter To Rot...New Guinea…Martyr

July 8…Bl. Eugene III...Bishop of Rome…Cistercian

July 9…St. Veronica Giuliani...Italy…Poor Clare…Incorrupt

July 10...Bl. Emmanuel Ruiz & Companions...Franciscan Priest…Spain…Martyr

July 11…St. Benedict...Founder of Benedictine Order…Patron saint of students and Europe.

July 12…St. Veronica…Follower of Jesus…patron saint of photographers.

July 13…St. Henry II...King and Emperor of Rome…Reformer

July 14…St. Kateri Tekakawitha...New York, U.S.A…Patron of the environment and ecology

July 15…St. Bonaventure...Latium…Franciscan…Philosopher…Author

July 16…Our Lady of Mount Carmel...Jerusalem…Carmelites…Brown Scapular

July 17…Bl. Rose Chretien...France…Carmelite…Martyr

July 18…St. Camillas...Italy…Priest…Order of St. Camillas

July 19…St. Macrina the Younger…Cesarea…Contemplative

July 20...St. Joseph Barsabas … Follower of Jesus…one of first disciples

July 21…St. Lawrence of Brindisi…Italy…Capuchin Order…Doctor of the Church

July 22...St. Mary Magdalene...Friend and Follower of Jesus…Patron of penitent sinners

July 23…St. Bridget of Sweden…widow…visionary

July 24…St. John Boste…England…Priest…Martyr

July 25...St. James the Greater…Apostle…Martyr… Patron saint of laborers and Spain.

July 26…St. Joachim & St. Anne…Parents of the Virgin Mary…Grandparents of Jesus…Patron saints of parents and grandparents.

July 27…Bl. Titus Brandsma...Netherlands…Carmelite…Martyr

July 28…St. Alphonsa...India…Poor Clares

July 29…St. Martha...Friend and follower of Jesus…Patron saint of cooks, housewives and domestic workers

July 30…St. Peter Chrysologus ..Italy…Bishop…Doctor of the Church

July 31...St. Ignatius of Loyola...Spain…Jesuit…Patron Saint of Catholic soldiers, and retreats…Mystic

St. Kateri