by Simon Vouet
Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Jerome,
Feast Day September 30
The feast day of St. Jerome is celebrated on September 30. He is the patron saint of Bible scholars. He is considered one of the four great Doctors of the Church along with St. Ambrose, St. Augustine and St. Gregory of Nazianzus.
St. Jerome was born in Dalmatia around 340-342 A.D into a wealthy family. His father was a Christian and made sure he was well educated. His mother was a pagan. At the age of 20 he visited Rome. He enjoyed visiting the tombs of the martyrs and the Apostles and converted to Christianity. He was baptized by Pope Liberius in 360.
St. Jerome studied theology and then began life as a hermit in the Syrian desert. He was ordained a priest in Antioch at about the age of 40. He then went to Constantinople where he met St. Gregory of Nazianzus. He became the secretary for Pope Darnasus who commissioned him to translate the Bible. This project took him 30 years.
While living in Rome he was known for his personal holiness, learning and integrity. He was, however, disliked by many for his blunt sarcasm. He left Rome and went to Bethlehem where he established a monastery. He lived in prayer and study until the end of his life.
In art, St. Jerome is often shown with an angel with a trumpet. He was believed to have had a dream when he was seriously ill. In the dream he appeared before God’s judgment seat and was condemned for not being a Christian.
St. Jerome died peacefully on September 39, 420 after suffering from an illness for two years.
“The letters of the apostles are spiritual rain for us.”
Quote of St. Jerome
September is the Month of Our Lady of Sorrows