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St.Bernadette of Lourdes
- Bl. Anacleto Gonzalez Florez…Mexico…Martyr…1(888-1927)
- St. Francis of Paola...Italy…Hermits of St. Francis…(1416-1507)
- Sts. Irene, Agape and Chionia…Sisters…Martyrs
- St. Isidore of Seville...Spain…Bishop…Doctor of the Church…(d.636)
- St. Vincent Ferrer...Spain…Dominican…d.1819
- Bl. Michel Ru...Italy…Salesian
- St. John Baptist de la Salle...Patron of Teachers…France…d. 1719
- St. Julia Billiart...Sisters of Notre Dame…France…d. 1816
- St. Mary of Cleophas...Friend and follower of Jesus
- St. Michael de Sanctis...Patron saint of cancer;…Spain…d 1625
- St. Marguerite of ‘Youville…Canada…Grey Nuns…d. 1771
- St. Teresa of Los Andes... Chili…Carmelite…d. 1920
- St. Martin I...Bishop of Rome…Martyr…d. 655
- St. Lydwina....Holland…Patron saint of ice skaters and chronically ill…d.1433
- St. Paternus...Ireland…Bihop…550
- St. Bernadette of Lourdes…Visionary…France…d. 1879…Incorrupt
- St. Stephen Harding...Cistercian…England (d.1134)
- Bl. Marie of the Incarnation...Widow and Carmelita…France d. 1618
- St. Elphege...Archbishop of Canterbury…Benedictine…Martyr (954-1012)
- St. Agnes of Montepulciano...Dominican Nun…italy…(1268-1317)
- St. Anslem...Doctor of the Church…Archbishop of Canterbury…Benedictine (1033-1109)
- Bl. Maria Gabriella...Trappestine Nun…Italy (1914-1939)
- St. Giles of Assisi...Italy…Franciscan…d. 1262
- St. Mary Pelletier...France (1796-1868)
- St. Mark the Evangelist…Apostle & Martyr …patron saint of lawyers and notaries (d.68)
- St. Cletus…Bishop of Rome…Martyr…d. 92
- St. Zita...Italy…Patron of maidservants and housewives…d. 1271
- St. Louis de Montfort...France…Dominican…d. 1716
- St. Catherine of Siena...Dominican Nun…Patron saint against fire, illness and miscarriage…Doctor of the Church (1347-1380)
- St. Marie de l’Incarnation...France…d. 1762