Feast Days and Saint of the Day; APRIL CALENDAR

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St.Bernadette of Lourdes 


  1. Bl. Anacleto Gonzalez Florez…Mexico…Martyr…1(888-1927)
  2. St. Francis of Paola...Italy…Hermits of St. Francis…(1416-1507)
  3. Sts. Irene, Agape and Chionia…Sisters…Martyrs
  4. St. Isidore of Seville...Spain…Bishop…Doctor of the Church…(d.636)
  5. St. Vincent Ferrer...Spain…Dominican…d.1819
  6. Bl. Michel Ru...Italy…Salesian
  7. St. John Baptist de la Salle...Patron of Teachers…France…d. 1719
  8. St. Julia Billiart...Sisters of Notre Dame…France…d. 1816
  9. St. Mary of Cleophas...Friend and follower of Jesus
  10. St. Michael de Sanctis...Patron saint of cancer;…Spain…d 1625
  11. St. Marguerite of ‘Youville…Canada…Grey Nuns…d. 1771
  12. St. Teresa of Los Andes... Chili…Carmelite…d. 1920
  13. St. Martin I...Bishop of Rome…Martyr…d. 655
  14. St. Lydwina....Holland…Patron saint of ice skaters and chronically ill…d.1433
  15. St. Paternus...Ireland…Bihop…550
  16. St. Bernadette of Lourdes…Visionary…France…d. 1879…Incorrupt
  17. St. Stephen Harding...Cistercian…England (d.1134)
  18. Bl. Marie of the Incarnation...Widow and Carmelita…France d. 1618
  19. St. Elphege...Archbishop of Canterbury…Benedictine…Martyr (954-1012)
  20. St. Agnes of Montepulciano...Dominican Nun…italy…(1268-1317)
  21. St. Anslem...Doctor of the Church…Archbishop of Canterbury…Benedictine (1033-1109)
  22. Bl. Maria Gabriella...Trappestine Nun…Italy (1914-1939)
  23. St. Giles of Assisi...Italy…Franciscan…d. 1262
  24. St. Mary Pelletier...France (1796-1868)
  25. St. Mark the Evangelist…Apostle & Martyr …patron saint of lawyers and notaries (d.68)
  26. St. Cletus…Bishop of Rome…Martyr…d. 92
  27. St. Zita...Italy…Patron of maidservants and housewives…d.  1271
  28. St. Louis de Montfort...France…Dominican…d. 1716
  29. St. Catherine of Siena...Dominican Nun…Patron saint against fire, illness and miscarriage…Doctor of the Church (1347-1380)
  30. St. Marie de l’Incarnation...France…d. 1762

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