August 1…St. Alphonsus Liguori...Italy…Patron saint of confessors and theologians…Redemptorist Priest…Doctor of the Church
August 2…St. Peter Julian Eymard...France…Oblates of Mary
August 3…St. Lydia…Early disciple of Jesus
August 4…St. John Vianney…France…Priest…Incorrupt
August 5…Dedication of St. Mary of the Snows...Rome…358
August 6…Feast of the Transfiguration...Jesus with the Apostles John, James and John.
August 7…St. Cajetan...Italy…Patron saint of the unemployed
August 8…St. Dominic...Dominican…Italy… Patron of astronomers
August 9…St. Edith Stein…Germany…Martyr…Patron saint of loss of parents and converts
August 10…St. Lawrence...Rome…Deacon… Patron saint of deacons, librarians, and the poor…martyr
August 11…St. Clare of Assisi...Italy…Poor Clares…Incorrupt
August 12…St. Jane Francis de Chantel…France…Congregation of the Visitation
August 13…St. Maximus the Confessor...Constantinople…Mystic…Author…Abbot
August 14...St. Maximillian Mary Kolbe...Poland…Franciscan Priest…patron saint of drug addicts, prisoners, families, and the pro life movement…Martyr
August 15…Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary…proclaimed dogma in 1950
August 16…St. Stephen of Hungary...King of Hungary
August 17…St. Hyacinth…Poland…Dominican
August 18…St. Helena…Asia Minor…Martyr
August 19…St. John Eudes...France…Jesuit Priest
August 20…St. Bernard of Clairvaux...Burgundy…Cistercian…Doctor of the Church
August 21….St. Pius X...Italy…Bishop of Rome…Incorrupt
August 22…The Queenship of Mary
August 23...St. Rose of Lima...Peru…Third Order Franciscan…Patron Saint of the Americas, florists and gardeners.
August 24...St. Bartholomew...Galilee…Apostle…Martyr…Patron saint against neurological diseases and leather workers
August 25…St. Genesius the Comedian...Martyr…patron saint of actors, comedians and clowns
August 26…Augustinian Martyrs of Africa
August 27…St. Monica...Africa…patron saint of mothers, alcoholism and difficult marriages
August 28…St. Augustine...Africa…Bishop…Doctor of the Church…St. Augustine is the patron saint of brewers
August 29…Beheading of St. John the Baptist…Cousin of Jesus…Martyr
August 30… St. Jeanne Juga...France…Third Order of St. John Eudes…Little Sisters of the Poor
August 31...St. Raymond Nonnatus…Spain…Cardinal…patron saint of women in labor and the falsely accused