May 1…...St. Joseph the Worker…Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary…Patron saint of carpenters and families.
May 2…..St. Athanasius...Doctor of the Church..Egypt…Bishop
May 3……St.s Philip and James...Apostles…Martyrs…St. Philip is patron saint of bakers…St. James is patron saint of pharmacists.
May 4…..St. Florian...Patron saint of firemen…Austria….Martyr
May 5…..Bl. Caterina Cittadini...Ursuline Sister…Italy
May 6…..St. Francis de Laval…Bishop in France
May 7…..St. Rose Venerini...Italy…Venerini Sisters
May 8…..Bl. Julian of Norwich…Benedictine
May 9……St. Pachomius...hermit…Egypt
May 10…..St. Damien of Molokai…Hawaii…U.S.A…Patron of leprosy and outcasts
May 11…..Carthusian Martyrs
May 12…..St.Leopold...Capucian Franciscan…Italy
May 13…..Our Lady of Fatima...Portugal
May 14…..St. Matthias...Apostle who replaced Judas…Martyr… patron saint of carpenters and alcoholics
May 15…..St. Isidore the Farmer…Patron saint of farmers…Spain
May 16…...St. Simon Stock...Carmelite Friar…Europe
May 17.;….St. Paschal Baylon...Franciscan…Spain
May 18……St. John I...Bishop of Rome…Martyr
May 19…..St. Ivo...France…Patron saint of lawyers, widows, and orphans…Third Order Franciscan
May 20…..St. Bernadine of Siena.…Italy…Franciscan
May 21……St. Eugene de Mazened...Francve…Missionary Oblate…patron saint of dysfunctional families
May 22……St. Rita of Cascia...Italy…Augustinian…patron saint of impossible causes, abuse victims and widows
May 23…..St. John Baptist Rossi…Italy…Priest
May 24…..St. Joanna...friend and follower of Jesus
May 25…..St. Bede...England…Doctor of the Church
May 26…..St. Phillip Neri...Founder of Priests of the Oratory…Italy
May 27…..St. Augustine of Canterbury...Rome…England…Benedictine
May 28…..St. Germanus...Bishop of Paris
May 29…..St. Bona of Pisa…..Italy…patron saint of flight attendants, travelers, pilgrims and travel guides.
May 30..…St. Joan of Arc...France…Martyr
May 31……Feast of the Visitation... Mary and Martha