October 1...St. Therese of Lisieux...France…Carmelite…Doctor of the Church…Patron Saint of florists, missionaries, pilots and against tuberculosis
October 2…Feast of the Guardian Angels
October 3…St. Theodore Guerin…France and United States..Patron Saint of the Diocese of Lafayette, Indiana…Sisters of Providence
October 4…St. Francis of Assisi…Italy…Founder of Franciscans…Patron Saint of the environment, peacemakers, and animals.
October 5…St. Faustina...Poland…Apostle of Mercy…Visionary
October 6…St. Bruno...Germany…Founder of Carthursian Order
October 7…Feast of the Most Holy Rosary...Devotion begun by St. Dominic
October 8…Bl. Ambrose of Sienna...Dominican…Peacemaker
October 9…St. Denis & Companions...Italy…Bishop of Paris…Martyr…Patron Saint of France and against headaches
October 10…Bl. Mary Angela...Poland…Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice
October 11…St. John XXIII...Italy…Bishop of Rome…Franciscan
October 12…Bl. Maria Teresa …Fasce…Italy…Augustinian
October 13…Bl. Alexandrina Mariada Costa...Portugal… Patron Saint of the bedridden and paralyzed.
October 14…St. Callistus I...Bishop of Rome…Martyr
October 15…St. Teresa of Avila...Spain…Carmelite mystic…Patron Saint against headache
October 16…St. Margaret Mary…France…Apostle of the Sacred Heart…
October 17…St. Ignatius of Antioch…Bishop of Antioch…Church Father…Martyr
October 18…St. Luke…Disciple of Jesus…Patron Saint of physicians and surgeons
October 19…St. Laura of Cordoba…Spain…Widow and Martyr
October 20…St. Paul of the Cross...Republic of Genoa…Founder of Passionist Order…
October 21…St. Gaspar of Bufalo…Rome…Missionaries of the Most Precious Blood
October 22…St. John Paul II…Poland…Bishop of Rome…Patron Saint of youth.
October 23…St John of Capistrano...Franciscan…Patron Saint of chaplains, military chaplains and judges.
October 24…St. Anthony Mary Claret...Archbishop of Canary Islands…Patron Saint of educators, the Catholic Press and weavers
October 25…St. John Roberts…England…Benedictine…Martyr…Founder of Claretians…Archbishop of Canary Islands
October 26…Bl. Bonaventura of Poternza…Italy…Franciscan
October 27...St. Frumentius…Lebenon…Bishop of Axsom…Ethiopia
October 28…St. Simon & St. Jude...Apostles…Martyrs..Patron Saint of impossible causes.
October 29...Bl. Maria Restituta...Austria…Franciscan Sister…Martyr
October 30…St. Alphonsus Rodriguez...Spain…Jesuit Brother
October 31…St. Quintin…Italy…Missionary…Martyr