September 1…St. Giles the Abbot...Greece…St. Giles is the Patron Saint of the mentally ill, the disabled, epileptics, childhood fears, and depression.
September 2…St. Ingrid of Sweden…Dominican Nun
September 3…St. Gregory the Great...Italy…Bishop of Rome…Patron Saint of musicians, students, singer and teachers
September 4…St. Rose of Viteho...Italy…Incorrupt
September 5…Teresa of Calcutta…Missionary…Sisters of Charity…Patron Saint of the poor and dying
September 6…Bl. Bertrand...France…Dominican…Incorrupt
September 7…St. Regina…France…Martyr…Patron Saint against poverty and abuse victims
September 8…Birth of the Virgin Mary
September 9…St. Peter Claver...Spain…Patron Saint of African missions.
September 10…St. Nicholas of Tolentino…Augustinian Monk…He is the patron saint of the souls in purgatory and the dying.
September 11…St. John G. Perboyre...France…Vincentian Priest…Missionary in China…Martyr
September 12…Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary
September 13…St. John Chrysostom...Bishop of Constantinople…Doctor of the Eucharist…Patron Saint of preachers, speakers and epilepsy.
September 14...The Exaltation of the Cross
September 15…Our Lady of Sorrows…12th century
September 16…St. Cyprian...N. Africa…Bishop of Carthage…Martyr
September 17…Stigmata of St. Francis...Founder of Franciscan Order
September 18…St. Joseph of Cupertino…Italy…Capuchin Mystic…Patron Saint of air travelers, pilots, astronauts, and those with learning disabilities.
September 19…Our Lady of La Salette…France…Approved 1851
September 20…The Korean Martyrs
September 21...St. Mathew…Apostle…Martyr…Patron Saint of accountants and bankers.
September 22…St. Thomas of Villanova…Spain…Bishop of Valencia
September 23…St. Padre Pio...Italy…Confessor…Stigmata
September 24…St. Gerard…Bishop of Csanad…Patron Saint of Hungary…Martyr
September 25…Bl. Herman the Cripple...Germany…Benedictine…Patron Saint of the unborn child and the disabled
September 26...St. Terese Couderc...France…Cenacle Sisters
September 27…St. Vincent de Paul...France…Founder of Vincentians…Patron Saint of charities, hospitals and volunteers.
September 28…St. Weneslaus of Bohemia...King of Bohemia
September 29…Feast of the Archangels...St. Michael…St. Gabriel…St. Raphael
September 30…St. Jerome...Syria…Patron Saint of Bible scholars…Doctor of the Church