January 1 Mary, Mother of God Feast of the Holy Family
January 2 St. Basil the Great…. Patron saint of hospital administrators…Doctor of the Church
January 3 Most Holy Name of Jesus
January 4 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton...U.S.A…patron saint of in-law troubles and loss of children.
January 5 St. John N Neumann…Bishop of Philadelphia…Patron saint of children, immigrants, and Catholic education
January 6 Epiphany of the Lord St. Peter of Canterbury…Italian Monk
January 7 St. Raymond Penyafort...Spain…patron saint of lawyers
January 8 St. Apollinaris...Bishop
January 9 Bl. Eurosia Fabri...Italy…Third Order Franciscan
January 10 St. Peter Orseolo…France…Benedictine Monk
January 11 Bl. William Carter...England…Martyr
January 12 St. Margurite Bougeogs … Canadian Missionary
January 13 St. Hilary of Poiters….Doctor of the Church
January 14 Bl. Peter Donders...Holland
January 15 St. Macarius of Egypt...priest with gift of healing
January 16 St. Berard...Franciscan monk and martyr; Italy
January 17 St. Anthony of Egypt...Egyptian monk
January 18 St. Margaret of Hungary...Dominican Nun
January 19 St. Fabian…Bishop of Rome…Martyr
January 20 St. Sebastian….patron saint of athletes and plague sufferers…martyr in 268.
January 21 St. Agnes…Martyr 304…Rome
January 22 St. Vincent Palliotti...Italy…Incorrupt…Franciscan priest
January 23 St. Marriane Cope...U.S.A…Franciscan…Patron Saint of Outcasts
January 24 St. Francis de Sales…Bishop of the Diocese of Geneva….Patron of the Deaf
January 25 Conversion of St. Paul...Apostle… Martyr…Patron Saint of writers…publishers… musicians and evangelists
January 26 Bl. Michal Kozal...Poland…Priest…Martyr
January 27 St. Angela Merici... Patron Saint of the sick and disabled., Italy…Franciscan
January 28 St. Thomas Aquinas...Dominican Priest,,,patron saint of students and universities’, Doctor of the Church
January 29 Bl. Archangela Girlani ….Italy….Carmelite Nun
January 30 St. Hyacintha of Manincotti…Italy…Third Order Franciscan
January 31 St. John Bosco.…Italy….Salesian Priest..Patron saint of boys and young people.