The feast day of Bl. Michal Kozal is celebrated on Jan. 26.
Bl. Michal Kozal was born in Nowy Folwark, Poland on Sept. 25, 1893. He came from a large family. They were poor but religious. Michal was ordained a priest on Feb. 23, 1918. He was appointed rector of the seminary where he served for ten years. In 1939 he became the auxiliary bishop of Wloclawek.
Soon after becoming Bishop the Nazi troops invaded Poland. For the next 22 months he served as pastor to the people during war. The Catholic press was suppressed, church buildings were seized and clergy arrested. Bishop Kozal protested in vain. Eventually Bishop Kozal was also arrested. Along with other clergy who had been arrested he was transferred to the Salesian a Lad where he was put under house arrest.
Secretly, Bishop Kozal made contact with the diocese. All except seven of the clergy arrested were sent to concentration camps. In 1941 the remaining priests and Bishop Kozal were transferred to camp Dachau. He was assigned the number 24544.
Father Kozal died in Camp Dachau on June 30, 1943. The total number of priests who died at Camp Dachau was 220.
Bl. Michal Kozal was beatified by Pope John Paul II.
The virtuous soul that is alone
and without a master,
is like a lone burning coal…
it will grow colder
rather than hotter.
Quote of St. John of the Cross; Feast day December 14
January is the Month of the Holy Name