The feast day of St. Catherine Alexandria is celebrated on November 25. She is the patron saint of Christian philosophers, teachers and librarians. She is considered a virgin and martyr.
While there is no historical evidence regarding St. Catherine of Alexandria there is a strong tradition about her martyrdom. St. Catherine was born around 287 in Alexandria, Egypt. She was the daughter of a wealthy pagan couple. She had a love of learning and studied philosophy and religion. After studying Christianity, she converted.
Legend tells us that she was imprisoned and tortured by Emperero Maxentius after she refused to marry him. He forced her to debate the most learned pagan philosophers hoping she would commit apostasy, however the debates resulted in many conversions to the Christian faith.
St. Catherine was tortured by being placed on a wheel full of spikes in an attempt to kill her. The wheel broke into two pieces and fell apart. She was then beheaded.
“Strength for a person who desires to acquire virtues,
consists in not losing heart when one happens to fall,
but in continuing once more on the way.
Not to fall is characteristic only of angels.”
Quote of St. Moses
November is the Month of the Holy Souls