The feast day of St. Emiliana and Trasila is celebrated on December 24. They were both Aunts of St. Gregory the Great.
St. Gregory the Great’s father had three sisters, Emiliana, Trasila and Gordiana. Gordiana eventually married. Trasila and Emilana lived in their father’s house living a life of prayer. They lived as if in a convent, praying many hours with joy and peace. They both made great spiritual progress.
Tarsilla had a vision of her great grandfather inviting her to join him in heaven. She died on Dec. 24th. This left her sister in grief on Christmas day. However, Tarsilla appeared to Emiliana several days after her death, asking her to celebrate Epiphany with her in heaven. Emiliana died on the eve of Epiphany, Jan. 5.
The feast day for both St. Emiliana and St. Tarsilla is celebrated on Dec. 24.
“Since I began to love, love has never forsaken me. It has grown to its own fullness within my innermost heart.”
Quote of St. Catherine of Genoa; Feast Day September 15
December is the Month of the Divine Infancy