The feast day of St. Germanus of Auxerre is celebrated on May 28. He served as the Bishop of Paris.
St. Germanus of Auxerre was born in 496 near Autun, France. He was ordained by St. Agippinus the Bishop of his diocese. He became the Abbot and administrator of St. Symphorianus, a suburb of Autun. Although at first he declined the position, he was named Bishop of Paris in 566. He was known as an eloquent preacher who brought conversion and the Christian faith to many people. Under his influence the lifestyle in the city became less worldly and vain. He tried to end civil strife and the licentiousness of the kings and nobles.
St. Germanus was known to have received the gift of miracles and prophecy. After his death on May 28, 576, King Chilperic wrote his epitaph praising his virtues, miracles and the zeal he displayed in working for the salvation of souls.
For the Christian there is no such thing as a “stranger.” There is only the neighbor…..the person near us and needing us.
Quote of St. Edith Stein; Feast day August 9