The feast day of St. Mark the Evangelist will be celebrated on April 25.
St. Mark was born into a Jewish family. St. Mark was one of the first disciples of Jesus. He was not one of the original twelve apostles. St. Mark is the patron saint of notaries and lawyers.
St. Mark accompanied St. Paul and Barnabas (his cousin) on their missionary journey to Cyprus. St. Mark is the author of the second gospel. This gospel is the oldest gospel and was written in Greek for Gentile converts. It is believed St. Peter requested him to write this gospel.
Much of what we know about St. Mark we have learned from tradition. It is believed that Mark is the man who carried water to the house where the Last Supper took place. It is also possible he was the man who ran away naked when Jesus was arrested (Mark 14:51-52) St. Mark is believed to have been present at the Wedding at Cana when Jesus turned the water into wine. (John 2:1-10)
When St. Peter escaped from prison he went to the home of Mark’s mother. Mark went to Alexandria to preach. He then founded the church in Alexandria.
St. Mark died a martyr, being dragged through the streets with a rope around his neck in the year 68.
The symbol of St. Mark is a winged lion. The lion represents the way the gospel should be preached. St. Mark is the patron saint of lawyers.
On the feast day of St. Mark let us pray:
O God, who exalted blessed Mark the Evangelist, by the grace of preaching the Gospel, grant that we may profit by his teaching and be defended by his prayers. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
The Bible is a letter from the Almighty God to His creatures.
Quote of St. Gregory the Great
April is the Month of the Eucharist.
St. Mark the Evangelist in Art
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