The feast day of St. Raymond Nonnatus is celebrated on August 31. He was born in Catalonia, Spain in 1204. His mother died during childbirth prompting a delivery by caesarean section. The name Nonnatus means not born. St. Raymond is the patron saint of women in labor and the falsely accused.
Raymond felt great empathy for expectant mothers and is the patron saint of women in labor. His father wanted him to take over the family farm. He chose instead to become a priest, joining the religious order of Mercedarians. The Mercedarians were dedicated to ransoming Christian slaves from the Moors who occupied most of Spain.
St. Raymond was sent to Algeria where he used his inheritance to ransom slaves. When the money ran out, he traded his life for that of a slave. He was imprisoned but succeeded in converting several of his jailers. The Moors then bored holes in his lips and sealed his mouth shut with a padlock to prevent him from preaching!
St. Raymond was sentenced to death, however, the Mercedarians ransomed him home to Spain. He was then given the title of Cardinal by Pope Gregory IX in 1239. Soon after, he came down with a fever and died in Cardona. He is often shown in art in the company of angels. Many miracles were attributed to St. Raymond before and after his death in1240 at the age of 37.
You pay God a compliment by asking great things of Him.
Quote of St. Teresa of Avila; Feast day October 15
August is the Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary