Tag Archives: Feast Days

Celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas

The Catholic Church celebrates Christmas for twelve days.

While the Nativity of Our Lord is celebrated Dec. 25, the Twelve days of Christmas begins on Christmas Day, Dec. 25(beginning at sundown), and ends at sunrise on Jan. 6, the Feast of the Epiphany. During the Christmas season the priest’s vestments are gold to symbolize the sacredness of the Christmas season. The change in the color of vestments indicates that Advent is over. During Advent, the priest’s vestments are purple to symbolize the holy season of waiting and prayer.

According to legend, the song The Twelve Days of Christmas was actually written by Jesuit priests in England during the sixteenth century. It was a time of persecution and the song was used to secretly teach basic facts regarding the Catholic faith. If someone studied all the items represented in the song they knew the basics of the catholic faith.

Each number had a secret meaning:

Twelve represented the twelve teachings mentioned in the Apostles Creed;

Eleven represented the faithful Apostles;

Ten represented the commandments;

Nine represented the choirs of angels;

Eight represented the Beatitudes;

Seven represented the seven sacraments;

Six represented the six days of creation;

Five represented the first books of the Old Testament;

Four represented the four gospels;

Three represented the Trinity;

Two represented the two natures of Christ…human and divine;

and One represented Jesus himself, our Lord and our God.

The Pear Tree represented the cross we must carry when we follow Christ.

The Apostles’ Creed is a summary of the faith taught by the Apostles. When we pray the Apostles Creed we are professing our faith in the church begun by the Apostles.

The Apostles’ Creed

  1. We believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
  2. We believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
  3. He suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified, died and was buried.
  4. He descended into hell.
  5. On the third day he rose again.
  6. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
  7. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
  8. We believe in the Holy Spirit,
  9. The holy catholic Church,
  10. The communion of saints,
  11. The resurrection of the body
  12. and life everlasting. Amen

The Catholic Church has feast days throughout the year. Many of its feast days are in honor of the saints. The feast day given to a saint is usually the day he or she died and entered heaven.

Take a small amount of time each day during the twelve days of Christmas to meditate on the actual feast day we are celebrating.



The Nativity of Our Lord;  December 25

The Word of God,

the Day whose light shines

upon the angels…

put on flesh and was born

of the Virgin Mary.

Quote of St. Augustine (Feast day August 28)


Feast day of St. Stephen;  December 27

St. Stephen; First Martyr

Look! I see an opening in the sky,

and the Son of Man standing

at God’s right hand…

Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.

Lord, do not hold

this sin against them.

Quote of St. Stephen

St. John the Evangelist

St. John the Evangelist;  December 27

Apostle and Evangelist

St. John the Evangelist was one of the twelve Apostles. He wrote the fourth gospel: The Gospel of John. He is also known as the ‘Beloved Disciple’.

In the beginning

was the Word,

and the Word was God.

Gospel of John


The Holy Innocents

The Holy Innocents;  December 28

The Holy Innocents are the innocent children murdered by King Herod after the Magi told him about birth of the new King of the Jews, called the Christ child. The little children were murdered in an attempt to find and murder Christ, “The King of the Jews”.

The star of Bethlehem


in the night of sin.

Quote of St. Edith Stein (Feast day August 9)

St. Thomas Becket

St. Thomas Becket;  Feast Day December 29

St. Thomas Becket was the Archbishop of Canterbury.  He was also a martyr.  He was murdered with swords in the year 1170.

I feel as though I am with Mary and Joseph beside the Crib.

It is good to be there. Outside are the cold and the snow,

images of the world, but in the little cave,

lit by the light of Jesus, it is sweet and warm and light.

Quote of Bl. Charles de Foucauld (Feast day December 1)

St. Anysiz

St. Anysia;  Feast Day December 30

St. Anysia was a martyr in Greece. She lived from 284-309. She was killed with a sword after being accosted by a soldier. She used her wealth to help the poor.

The prayer of a good innocent,and obedient child is like dew from heaven falling upon his whole family.

Quote of Bl. John XIII

St. Sylvester I

St. Sylvester I;  Feast Day December 31

St. Sylvester I was the Bishop of Rome.  He died in the year 335 after helping to define doctrine at the Council of Nicea which proclaimed the Nicean Creed.

Call of Peter (Luke 5:20)

Do not be afraid;

from now on,

you will be catching people.”

Call of Levi (Luke 4:27)

“Follow me.”

Quote of Jesus Christ

Mary, Mother of God

Mary, Mother of God;  Feast Day January 1

Mary was the Mother of Jesus and wife of St. Joseph.  She was chosen by God the Father to bring Jesus into the world and raise him.

“Why should we be astonished if the God

who could work marvels in the scripture

and through His saints should choose to

reveal Himself even more marvelous

by means of His Mother?”

Quote of St. Bernard (Feast day August 20)

St. Basil the Great

Feast day of St. Basil the Great;  Feast Day January 2

St. Basil was the Bishop of Constantinople.  He was known for his preaching and defending the two natures of Christ…both human and divine.

Troubles are usually the brooms

and shovels that smooth the road

to a good man’s fortune;

and many a man curses the rain that

falls upon his head,

and knows not

that it brings abundance.

Quote of St. Basil the Great

Most Holy Name of Jesus

Most Holy Name of Jesus;  Feast Day January 3

Jesus in the soul’s abyss is sweeter far than earthly bliss.

A flower strong is that name mild. Ne’er disturbed by

tempest wild. far lovelier than a diamond bright.

That name adorns the soul with light.

The name of Jesus sweetly rings like rarest zither’s silver strings.

Ah, Jesus, for your names blest sake, forgive my sins,

exceeding great.

Grant, dear Lord, that your fair name may wound my

heart with holy pain. Jesus, choicest love be ever thine.

Bless me Jesus, God of power, now and in

death’s departing hour.

Quote of Bl. Henry Suso (Feast day March 2)

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton;  Feast Day January 4

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is the first native born American to be canonized. She lived in New York, dying in 1821. She is the Founder and first Superior of the Sister of Charity in the U.S.

“Be attentive to the voice of Grace.”

Quote of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

St. John N. Neumann

St. John N. Neumann;  Feast Day January 5

St. John N. Neumann was born in Bohemia. He emigrated to the U.S. becoming a Redemptorist priest and the fourth Bishop of Philadelphia. He is the first American bishop to be canonized.

A man must always

be ready for death,

for death comes

when and where God wills it.

Quote of St. John N. Neumann

The Epiphany

Feast of the Epiphany;  Feast Day January 6

The Feast of the Epiphany celebrates the Three Kings following the star to visit Jesus. They brought the King of the Jews gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The simple shepherds

heard the voice of an angel

and found their lamb;

the wise men saw the light of

a star and found their wisdom.

Quote of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen









Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Presentation of Mary, Feast Day Nov. 21

Presentation of Mary
Presentation of Mary

The feast day of the Presentation of Mary is celebrated on November 21.


The feast day of the Presentation of Mary originated in Jerusalem in 543. The story appears in the Protoevangelium of James which is an extra biblical document. St. Joachim and St. Anne, the parents of Mary, in gratitude for having a child after many years of infertility, presented Mary to God at the temple in Jerusalem when she was three years old.

The feast day emphasizes the purity of Mary from the moment her life began. Mary is considered a temple in which God dwells in a special way.

The feast day also remembers all the people who have dedicated themselves to God in a contemplative order.


Through Thee…the faithful have received baptism;

churches have been erected in all parts of the earth.

By Thine assistance the Gentiles have been brought to repentance.

And finally through Thee, the only Son of God, source of light,

has shone upon the eyes of the blind,

who were sitting in the shadow of death.

Quote of St. Cyril of Jerusalem; Feast day September 18


November is the Month of the Holy Souls



Solemnity of Christ the King to be Celebrated

Christ the King
Christ the King



The Sunday before Advent is the Feast of Christ the King. The feast was established in 1925 by Pope Pius XII in response to the growing secularism in society. The purpose of the feast is to proclaim the Kingdom of Christ.


The Kingdom of Christ Is spiritual. It concerns itself with spiritual things. In the time of Christ democracy did not exist. Governments were primarily geographical kingdoms. Each area was ruled by a king.

On the Feast of Christ the King, we should reflect on who or what rules over our heart. Hopefully, we can honestly say Christ is our King, and Lord. If we can, then our actions every day must be to imitate Christ and to follow His commandments.

Many Jewish people rejected Christ as the Messiah because they expected a royal King. Jesus, however, was poor, born in a stable. He is however, still a King. A synonym for king is ruler. Jesus rules over our hearts. Our conscience is formed by our belief that Jesus is King!

The Liturgical Year ends with the Feast of Christ the King. This feast is celebrated the Sunday before Advent, which begins the new liturgical year.


Prayer on the Feast of Christ the King

Almighty and merciful God. You break the power of evil and make all things new in Your Son Jesus Christ, the King of the universe. May all in heaven and on earth acclaim Your glory and never cease to praise You.

Father all-powerful God of Love, You have raised our Lord Jesus Christ from death to life, resplendent in glory as King of creation. Open our hearts; free all the world to rejoice in His peace to glory in His justice and to live in His love. Bring all mankind together in Jesus Christ Your Son whose Kingdom is with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica, Nov. 9

Basilica of St. John Lateran
Basilica of St. John Lateran


The dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica is celebrated on November 9.

St. John Lateran Basilica is the oldest of the four great basilicas in Rome.   The four basilicas are:

  • The Basilica of St. Peter
  • The Basilica of St. Mary Major
  • The Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Wallls
  • The Basilica of St. John Lateran

Originally, the site was occupied by the palace of the family of the Laterani. The term “Lateran”  does not  refer to a saint but to the church’s ancient origins as the the Lateran palace, which once belonged the Roman noble family of the Laterni.

Constantine acquired the old palace through marriage. Not only did Constantine end the persecution of the Church he also gave the palace to the Church as a gift and it was enlarged. It became the residency for the Pope.  The Basilica has been dedicated to both St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist.


Until the 14th century popes resided in the Lateran palace. It’s official title is:

“Mother Church of the whole world.”

The Basilica of St. John Lateran  is the official seat of the Pope (the Pope’s Cathedral).
Pope Sylvester officially dedicated the basilica in the year 324 declaring it a house of God.
The Basilica has been dedicated to both St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist.


“Little children, love one another.”

Quote of St. John the Evangelist;  Feast Day Dec. 27


November is the Month of the Holy Souls


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: All Souls Day, November 2


Holy Souls in Purgatory Prayer Card
Holy Souls in Purgatory
Prayer Card


The feast day of All Souls’ Day is celebrated on November 2.  It is always celebrated the day after All Saint’s Day which is celebrated November 1.

The Church devotes the month of November to praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.


To understand the doctrine of purgatory, it is necessary to understand several beliefs of the catholic church.

  • It is good to pray for the dead
  • We believe in tradition
  • Nothing unclean may enter heaven

Praying for the dead is a tradition which precedes the New Testament. In 2 Maccabees 23:45-46 it says:

“But if he was looking to the splendid reward that was laid up for those who fall asleep in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. Therefore he made atonement for the dead, so that they might be delivered from their sin.

Before we can enter into the presence of God in heaven we must be cleansed and purified.  This process is known as purgatory.  The bible teaches us that it is good to pray for the dead.  Praying for those souls who are in the purification process in purgatory relieves the suffering of  both the soul in purgatory and my own soul.


Many of the Saints had devotions of praying for the holy souls in purgatory.  St. Gertrude the Great, St. Padre Pio and St. Margaret Mary are well known for their devotion to helping the souls in purgatory through prayer.

The Catholic Church believes in the power of prayer.  When we pray for some one else this is called intercessory prayer.  We ask the saints in heaven to pray for us on our journey. (The saints are interceding for us.)   We also pray to Our Lord to guide those we love and hasten the journey of those who have died and are entering heaven.  (We are interceding for the souls in purgatory.)


We believe that the more souls who are praying the better! The following prayer is a popular prayer asking for mercy for those who have died.



“Eternal Father, I offer thee the most precious Blood of thy divine son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.”

Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great

November is the Month of the Holy Souls



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: All Saint’s Day, Feast Day November 1

All Saints Day Communion by Bra Angelico Public Domain Image
All Saints Day Communion by Bra Angelico

The Solemnity of All Saints Day is also known as All Hallows Eve. It is celebrated on November 1 by Western Christianity. It honors all souls who have arrived in heaven. Many countries celebrate it as a national holiday. It is followed by All Souls’ Day on Nov. 2 in which Catholics pray for those still on their journey to heaven. This journey is known as purgatory. Catholics believe that life is a spiritual pilgrimage. Death is the beginning of our journey through purgatory to heaven. Purgatory is where a soul is prepared and purified to enter heaven.

A Saint is a person whose soul has arrived in its’ eternal home…heaven.  The journey to heaven is not easy!    We ask for the prayers of those in heaven to aid us on our journey to heaven.



True learning consists in the science of the saints:

that is to say…in knowing how to love Jesus Christ.

Quote of St. Alphonsus Liguori; Feast day August 1


November is the Month of the Holy Souls

