Tag Archives: Faith

Pope Francis Explains Community of Saints to Crowd of 80,000

Pope Francis Facebook Image
Pope Francis Facebook Image

More than 80,000 people gathered in St. Peter’s Square Wednesday morning to listen to the teachings of Pope Francis as he spoke for his General Audience, according to Zenit News Agency. He focused on the Catholic belief in the Communion of Saints. (October 30, 2013)

Pope Francis stated that the Communion of Saints relates both to the communion with holy things and the communion with holy persons. The Holy Father stated that no one is alone but rather exists in a communion with all who belong to Christ.

“The Church,” Pope Francis said, “in its most profound truth is a communion with God. This relation between Jesus and the Father is the ‘matrix’ of the bond between us Christians: if we are intimately inserted into this ‘matrix’ in this fiery furnace of love that is the Trinity, then we can become truly one heart and one soul, because the love of God purges our selfishness, our prejudices, our internal and external divisions.”  He also stated that our faith needs support from others during difficult moments.
Pope Francis told the crowd that within the communion of saints exists a great family where each one helps and sustains the other.

“A final aspect of the communion of Saints,” he continued, “is the spiritual bond that exists between those who continue their pilgrimage on earth and those who have passed the threshold of death into eternity. All who are baptized down here on earth, the souls in Purgatory, and all the blessed already in Paradise form one big family.”

“This communion between heaven and earth is realized especially through intercessory prayer,” he concluded.

Pope Francis called it the ‘highest form of solidarity’ as well as the foundation of the liturgical celebrations of All Saints and All Souls, which will be celebrated on Nov. 1, and Nov. 2. 

This article was originally published on October 30, 2013.



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Bl. Michele Rua, Feast Day April 6

Bl. Michele Rua
Bl. Michele Rua

The feast day of Bl. Michele Rua is celebrated on April 6.

Bl. Michele Rua was born in Turn, Italy. He was the youngest of nine children. He attended Don Bosco Oratory as a boy where he met St. John Bosco.  St. John was so impressed by Michele that he sent him to college. Later he became John Bosco’s assistant in youth ministry.

Bl. Michele was ordained a priest and was one of the first members of the Salesians of Don Bosco which focused on youth ministry for boys. John was the first successor to St. John Bosco as Superior General. Under his direction the community grew from 700 to 4,000 members, 64-341 houses in 33 countries.

Bl. Michele Rua was known for his gifts of reading hearts, healing and prophecy.


The soul hungers for God, and nothing but God can satiate it.  Therefore He came to dwell on earth and assumed a Body in order that this Body might become the food for our souls.

Quote of St. John Vianney; Feast day August 4


April is the Month of the Eucharist


Which person in the Trinity do you find it easiest to pray to?

 Many of our formal prayers end with the Glory Be prayer. I asked my friends which person in the Trinity they found it easier to turn to, and who they found it difficult to turn to in prayer. There is no wrong answer! After reflecting, I realized that during my prayer journey (my pilgrimage) I have come to know each of the persons in the Trinity in a more personal way.


Do Heaven and Hell Really Exist?

Last Judgement by Michelangelo Public Domain Image
Last Judgement
by Michelangelo




Pope Francis asks, ‘Do you want to live like a light that is on or off?’

Pope Francis Facebook Image
Pope Francis: Facebook Image

In Sunday’s address to those gathered in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis reflected on the Gospel of Matthew (5:13-14). “You are the salt of the earth…. You are the light of the world”. According to Zenit News Agency, Pope Francis told those gathered that this gospel directly follows the Beatitudes.

In his address, Pope Francis asked “Who were those disciples? They were fishermen, simple people. But Jesus looked upon them with the eyes of God and his statement should be understood precisely as a consequence of the Beatitudes. He wishes to say: If you will be poor in spirit, if you will be meek, if you will be pure of heart; if you will be merciful….you will be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.”

Pope Francis explained the gospel’s images, saying that Jewish Law prescribed putting a little salt upon every offering to God, as a sign of the covenant. “Light, for Israel, was a symbol of the messianic revelation that triumphs over the darkness of paganism. Thus, Christians, the new Israel, received a ‘mission’ for all men; with faith and charity they can direct, consecrate, and make humanity fruitful. All of us baptized are missionary disciples and we are called to become a living gospel in the world; with a holy life we will give ‘taste’ to the different spheres of society, and defend them from corruption just as salt does; and we will bring the light of Christ, with the witness of a genuine charity. But if we Christians lose our taste and extinguish our presence as salt and light we will lose effectiveness.”
Pope Francis continued:

“But how beautiful is this mission to give light to the world! It is a mission we have. It is beautiful! It is also very beautiful to keep that light that we have received from Jesus, protect it and keep it. The Christian must be a shining person, who brings light, who always gives light! A light that is not his, but a gift from God, it is Jesus’ gift. And we carry this light. If the Christian extinguishes this light, his life has no meaning. He is Christian in name only, he does not bring light with him, his light is without meaning. But I would like to ask you now, how do you want to live? Do you want to live like a light that is on aor one that is off? On or Off? How do you want to live? (The people gathered responded “On!”) A light that is on! It is God himself who gives us this light, and we give it to others. A light that is on! This is the Christian vocation.”

Following the Angelus, Pope Francis spoke about Feb. 11, the memorial for Our Lady of Lourdes when we will observe the World Day of the Sick. He asked everyone to pray for the sick and to be close to them. He quoted St. John, “Faith and Charity: We ought to lay down our lives for one another (1Jn 3:16). “In particular,” he said, “we can imitate the attitude of Jesus toward the sick; the sick of every sort. The Lord cares for them; shares their suffering and opens their heart to hope.”

Pope Francis thanked health workers saying how precious their work is. “The attitude toward the sick that is generous and Christian,” he said, “is salt of the earth and light of the world.  May Mary help us to practice and obtain peace for all those who are suffering.”
Pope Francis concluded his address with the following statement:

And before I depart the question I asked comes back to my mind. Light on or light off? What do you want? On or Off? The Christian brings light! He is a light that is on. Always forward with the light of Jesus!”

Originally published Feb. 9, 2014


