Tag Archives: France

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Martin of Tours, Feast Day Nov. 11

St. Martin of Tours
St. Martin of Tours


The feast day of St. Martin of Tours is celebrated on November 11.  He is the patron saint of soldiers and beggars.

St. Martin was born in 315 in Pannonia, a Roman Province. Martin’s father was an army officer. Secretly he became a catechumen (a student preparing to become Catholic) at the age of ten. He longed to be a monk so that he could be alone with God in prayer. He was forced to join the army at the age of 15 before he had been baptized. His job was to protect the emperor. He became an officer and was assigned garrison duty in Gaul.

He is portrayed in art helping a beggar who was freezing cold and in need of help. Martin removed his cloak, cut it in half with his sword and gave one half to the beggar. That night, Martin had a dream in which Jesus was wearing his cloak. The dream inspired Martin to immediately seek baptism. He was eighteen years old. Two years after his baptism Martin refused to fight any longer, saying,

I have served you as a soldier, now let me serve Christ.”

Martin was eventually ordained an exorcist. He was chosen as the Bishop of Tours because of his holiness. Martin lived outside the city because of his need for solitude.

St. Martin was known for his miracles and his compassion. St. Martin died on Nov. 8 and was buried at his request in the Cemetery of the Poor.  Near the time of his death, St. Martin prayed the following prayer:

“Lord, if your people still need me, I do not refuse the work.  Thy will be done.”


Quote of  St. Martin of Tours


November is the Month of the Holy Souls




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, Feast Day Nov. 8


Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity

The feast day of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity is celebrated on Nov. 8.  She is the patron saint of the sick and the loss of parents.  St. Elizabeth was born into a military family in 1880. She was strong willed and exuberant. When seven, her father died and her family moved to Dijon.

From her bedroom window, she could see the monastery of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns. After the death of her father she experienced outbursts of anger. She experienced both conversion and peace from the sacrament of confession.

At the age of 14 she received her first communion. From that time on she was no longer angry. She developed a great devotion to the Eucharist. It was on her first communion day that she met the prioress of the monastery for the first time. The prioress explained to her that the meaning of the name Elizabeth is “house of God”.

While Elizabeth had an early desire to become a Carmelite nun, she was delayed by her mother’s objections until she was 21. Until then, she sang in two choirs and helped students prepare for their first communion.

In 1901, she finally entered the Carmel monastery taking the name Sister Elizabeth of the Trinity. She had a great devotion to the Carmelite saints but was also drawn to the teachings of St. Paul. She believed the core of his teaching was the love of Christ.  St. Elizabeth was a contemplative who wrote many poems and prayers including her famous Prayer to the Trinity.

St. Elizabeth died from Addison’s Disease in 1906 (kidney disease) at the age of 26. Elizabeth viewed suffering as a gift; a way to share in the redemptive suffering of Jesus.

St. Elizabeth of the Trinity was canonized by Pope Francis on October 16, 2016.


“Jesus gives His cross to His true friends
so he can come even closer to them.”

Quote of Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity


November is the Month of the Holy Souls



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Quintin, Feast Day October 31

St. Quintin Public Domain Image
St. Quintin

The feast day of St. Quintin is celebrated on October 31.  St. Quintin was also known as Quintinus.  He was born in the third century in Rome, Italy.  His father was a Roman senator.

St. Quintin converted to Christianity.  He was a missionary who went to Gaul with St. Lucian of Beauvais.  He won many converts with his preaching.  In 286, he was arrested during the Marmian persecution.  He was tortured and beheaded in 287 at Augusta, Gaul which is now Saint Quintin, France.  His body was thrown into the river and then recovered and buried by the people he was instrumental in converting.  His tomb was a site known for miracles.


“What you call folly is supreme wisdom.  What is there wiser than to recognize the unique true God and to reject with disdain the counterfeits, which are mute, false and deceiving?

Quote of St. Quintin


October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Feast Day October 16


St. Margaret Mary Public Domain Image
St. Margaret Mary


The feast day of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque is celebrated on October 16.  She is known as the Apostle of the Sacred Heart.

St. Margaret Mary was born to Claude and Philiberte Lamyn on July 22, 1647 in Lhautecour, France.  She was the fifth of seven children.  She was baptized with name of Margaret and added the name of Mary when she was confirmed in the faith in 1669.   From an early age Margaret had a strong devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.   Margaret’s father died when she was eight years old.  She was sent to a school run by Urbanist Nuns at Chavolles.

Margaret became very ill and was unable to walk.  After consecrating herself to the Blessed Virgin, she promised that if cured, she would be one of her daughters.  She was immediately cured.

Thrust into poverty after her father’s death, she considered marriage, which caused her internal conflict.  Her desire to become a nun prevailed.  She joined the Visitation Order in 1671.

St. Margaret Mary began having visions on Dec. 17, 1073.  They continued until June 1675.  Jesus appeared to her giving her the task of encouraging and teaching a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  This included a Holy Hour on Thursdays to reflect on how the Apostles abandoned Him  during the Agony in the Garden.  It also encouraged receiving communion on 1st Fridays.

After suffering many years of from doubt and despair, St. Margaret Mary died at the age of 43.    She had served two terms as assistant supervisor.    With the help of St. Claude de la Columbiere, the  feast day  became popular.  The Sacred Heart symbolizes the boundless love given by Jesus in the Eucharist and His Passion and death


I need nothing but God and to lose myself to the Heart of Jesus.

Quote of St. Margaret Mary


October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Denis and Companions, Feast Day October 9

St. Denis
St. Denis


The feast day of St. Denis and Companions is celebrated on October 9.  St. Denis is the patron saint of France and against headaches.

St. Denis was born and raised in Italy.  He is also known as St. Dionysius.  He was sent to Gaul by Pope St. Clement.  He is probably the first Bishop of Paris.  St. Denis was martyred along with two companions according to the writings of St. Gregory of Tours.  His companions are believed to be St. Rustreus and St. Eleutherius, a priest and deacon.  They were beheaded with a sword under the persecution of Emperor Valerius in 258.   The head of St. Denis was carried into the nearby village before their bodies were thrown into the Seine River.  St. Denis body was recovered and a chapel was built over his tomb.

St. Denis is one of the 14 helpers who were invoked in the middle ages against the Black Plaque.  It is for this reason he became the patron saint against headaches.


Remember that this life is short, and that eternity is very long.

Quote of Bl. Susanna Araki Chabyoye


October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Vincent de Paul, Feast Day September 27

St. Vincent de Paul Public Domain Image
St. Vincent de Paul
Public Domain Image


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Vincent de Paul, Feast Day September 27

The feast day of St. Vincent de Paul is celebrated on September 27.  He is the patron saint of charities, hospitals and volunteers.

St. Vincent was born at Pouy, Gascony in Southern France in 1581 into a large peasant family.  At the age of 15, he entered a Franciscan seminary.   He tutored children until he was ordained a priest in 1600.

In `1605, St. Vincent was traveling on a ship from Marseilles to Narborne when he was captured by Moorish pirates!  He was sold as a slave in Africa.  After two years as a slave, he escaped and returned to France.

At Avignon St. Vincent continued to study.  He became the chaplain to the Count of Goigny and was placed in charge of the charities for the poor.   This inspired him to preach missions to provide relief for the poor.  St. Vincent founded a missionary group known as the  Vincentians. The priests in the Order served people primarily in small towns and villages.  They had a devotion to helping the poor.

Next, St. Vincent along with the help of St. Louise de Marillac, founded the Sisters of Charity.  He organized the rich women in Paris to collect money for hiss missionary projects, including several hospitals.  He also collected money for victims of war and ransomed over 1200 slaves from N. Africa.

The motto of St. Vincent was “God see you”.  He became known as the Apostle of Charity and the Father of the Poor.

St. Vincent died at the age of 80.  His heart remains incorrupt and can be found in the Convent of the Sisters of Charity in Paris.  He is credited with two miracles.  The first was the curing of a nun with ulcers.  The second was a laywoman cured of paralysis.

St. Vincent de Paul was canonized by Pope Clement XII on June 16, 1737.

St. Vincent’s bones and heart are perfectly incorrupt and have been placed inside a wax figure of his body. His relics can be seen in the Church of St. Vincent de Paul in Paris.


Do not feel that all is lost because of the revolt you feel inside.  It has rained hard.  The thunder has crashed.  Is the weather any less beautiful because of that?  Be assured you are not, for all that, any less dear to our Lord.

Quote of St. Vincent de Paul


September is the Month of Our Sorrowful Mother


