Joseph, Mary and Jesus
The feast day of St. Joseph the Worker is celebrated on May 1.
St. Joseph was entrusted by God to be the guardian of Jesus Christ, the son of God. His primary mission was to keep Jesus safe and to provide for him. Joseph, Mary and Jesus are referred to as “The Holy Family”. St. Joseph was a carpenter.
Joseph was engaged to be married to Mary, when she was found with child. He was going to divorce her quietly to avoid scandal, however an angel appeared to him in a dream, saying;
“Joseph, son of David, do no be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. Mat: 1: 20-21
Joseph immediately took Mary as his wife.
The angel appeared to Joseph a second time. This time he was told his family was in danger. They fled to Egypt where they stayed until the angel told him it was safe to return.
We celebrate two feast days for St. Joseph. The first is on March 19; Feast day of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary. The second feast day is May 1; The Feast day of St. Joseph the Worker.
St. Joseph is the patron for a happy death because tradition tells us that he died with Jesus and Mary at his side. He is also the patron of fathers and workers.
Prayer in a difficult problem
Oh glorious St. Joseph, thou who hast power to render possible even things which are considered impossible, come to our aid in our present trouble and distress.
Take this important and difficult affair under thy particular protection, that it may end happily. (Name your request.)
O dear St. Joseph, all our confidence is in thee. let it not be said that we would invoke thee in vain; and since thou art so powerful with Jesus and Mary. show that thy goodness equals thy power.
St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart, pray for us.

First, do what is necessary, then do what is possible, and before long you will find yourself doing the impossible.
Quote of St. Francis of Assisi; Feast day Oct. 4
May is the Month of Our Lady.