Tag Archives: prayer

New Year Blessing


May peace fall like snowflakes on our wounded world.

May the New Year bring rest and healing for all those who suffer.

Wash me… make me whiter than snow.

May joy and happiness once again fill our hearts.

May the lost be found and serenity reign.

May we all say goodbye to the pain of the past.

The New Year is here…finally…at last!

The road is long and sometimes filled with pain.

May we learn from mistakes and begin again.

Out with the old and in with the new!

May our journey be upward …may all be renewed!

Blessings to all…may our faith only grow.

May the Peace of Our Lord be with us this year!

Help Me to Forgive



God of Love, God of Mercy,

Help me to forgive.


I have been wronged; I have been hurt.

I feel angry and bitter.

Help me to forgive.


God of Love, God of Mercy

Help me to forgive.

Not only are you the God of Love and the God of Mercy;

You are also the God of Truth and the God of Justice.

Help me to forgive.


God of Truth, God of Justice

I put this matter into Your hands.

Only YOU can see into people’s hearts.

Only YOU know the entire Truth.

Help me to forgive.


God of Love, God of Mercy

lift my anger, lift my bitterness.

Replace it with compassion.

Replace it with trust in YOU.

Help me to forgive.


God of Truth, God of Justice

lead all souls to repentance.

Help me to forgive.


as I ask to be forgiven by You

for all I have done wrong.


Grant all who seek YOU with a sincere heart…

Forgiveness, Peace, Love, Mercy and Trust in YOU.


Spiritual Warfare


I ask myself…

Are there evil spirits?

Yes, I know there are…

Stirring doubt and confusion within me.

My moral compass seems

to have been stolen…

Replaced by Tolerance!

Tolerance of vice

Tolerance of evil!

Evil Spirits tell me

Turn a blind eye to what you see

Pretend you see nothing


Evil seems to surround me.

I feel I am at war…

What can I do?

I seem powerless

But I am not

My moral compass seems to awaken

I CAN do something

But first I must Pray!

It is good to be kind

but I cannot tolerate evil.

I pray and I pray some more

I pray for virtue

I pray for justice

I pray for peacemakers

I pray for the armor of God (which is FAITH)

Tell me what to do Lord.

I seem to be at war..but with who?


Lord, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can

and the wisdom to know the difference.


Only through prayer will I know what to do.

The confusion is replaced with serenity and peace and wisdom.

All things are possible with God.  Our God is a Mighty God.

The storm within me is calmed.   The peacemaker has answered me.





Spiritual Warfare


I ask myself…

Are there evil spirits?

Yes, I know there are…

Stirring doubt and confusion within me.

My moral compass seems

to have been stolen…

Replaced by Tolerance!

Tolerance of vice

Tolerance of evil!

Evil Spirits tell me

Turn a blind eye to what you see

Pretend you see nothing


Evil seems to surround me.

I feel I am at war…

What can I do?

I seem powerless

But I am not

My moral compass seems to awaken

I CAN do something

But first I must Pray!

It is good to be kind

but I cannot tolerate evil.

I pray and I pray some more

I pray for virtue

I pray for justice

I pray for peacemakers

I pray for the armor of God (which is FAITH)

Tell me what to do Lord.

I seem to be at war..but with who?


Lord, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can

and the wisdom to know the difference.


Only through prayer will I know what to do.

The confusion is replaced with serenity and peace and wisdom.

All things are possible with God.  Our God is a Mighty God.

The storm within me is calmed.   The peacemaker has answered me.





Seeking Serenity


Seeking Serenity


At peace with God.

Freedom from Anxiety.

Ability to make decisions.

Knowing I am doing the will of God.

Feeling the presence of God.

Trusting the Future to God.

Letting Go…Letting God.

Seeking God with humility.

Giving the past to God.

Accepting forgiveness.

Forgiving others.

Accepting imperfection.

Agreeing to disagree.

Asking for directions when confused.

God’s Will…not my will.

Being able to say “No”.

Knowing when to speak and when to be silent.

Hearing God in the Silence.