The feast day of St. Terese Couderc is celebrated on September 26. She is the founder of the Cenacle Sisters.
St. Terese was born in Masle, France on Feb. 1, 1805. She joined the Sisters of St. Regis. St. Terese and Father Stephen founded the Congregation of Our Lady of the Retreat in the Cenacle. She became its superior in 1828, and when the mother house was established, its superior general until 1838. St. Terese helped to conduct spiritual retreats.
The spirituality of St. Terese focused on surrendering her life to the will of God. She experienced a vision which clarified for her the goodness of God in all creation.
On September. 26, 1885 St. Terese died of natural causes in Lyon, France at the age of 80. She was canonized in 1970 by Pope Paul VI.
Take a step at a time in the darkness, and the path will unwind beneath your feet. It is not necessary to understand God’s purposes. Just follow His will.
Quote of St. Terese Couderc
September is the Month of Our Lady of Sorrows