Tag Archives: St. Thomas Aquinas

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Pachomius, Feast Day May 9

St. Pachomius Public Domain Image
St. Pachomius

The feast day of St. Pachominus is celebrated on May 9.

St. Pachomius was born in Egypt in 298 and entered the army when he was twenty years old. The kindness of the Christians he met led to his conversion after he left the army. After his baptism he became a disciple of Palemon. They led a life of poverty and dedicated themselves to God and a life of prayer as hermits.

St. Pachominus built a monastery on the banks of the Nile river at Tabenisi. They soon had 100 monks join them; living a life in community and prayer. St. Pachomius established ten other monasteries and two nunneries for women. Over seven thousand monks were living in his monasteries at the time of his death in 346. He was the first to organize hermits into groups and write a Rule for them to follow.

If the highest aim of a Captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever.

Quote of St. Thomas Aquinas; Feast day Jan. 28


May is the Month of Our Lady
