Category Archives: Author’s Pick

Author’s Pick; Church History…The Four Witnesses


Would you like to know more about early church history?  This book is a fascinating book to read.  It brings the early church to life and tells the story of important people in church history.

The Four Witnesses by Rod Bennett brings alive the early Church–telling the story of it’s early saints..Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, and Irenaeus of Lyons. 

Based on documents of the early church, this book of 343 pages  is written in novel form and is difficult to put down.  Persecution in the early church was real and resulted in martyrdom of many believers.

I highly recommend this book  for those wanting to know the culture surrounding the early church.



Author’s Pick…Book Review #1…Prayer Styles


Their is a different prayer style for each person.  Each of the saints also prays in a way that is special to that saint  If you are searching for the type of prayer that works for you a wonderful book to read is Six Ways to Pray from Six Great Saints by Gloria Hutchinson.


This book introduces you to six different saints:  St. Francis of Assisi (Franciscan), St. Clare ( Poor Clares), St. Teresa of Lisieux (Carmelite), St. Therese of Avila (Carmelite), St. John of the Cross (Carmelite ) and St. Ignatius of Loyola (Jesuit).   You will learn not only their story but also their prayer style.

Each chapter contains exercises to help you  discover what type of prayer works best for you.  When I read this book, I learned about the “Prayer of Detachment” taught by St. John of the Cross.  The exercises helped me to practice and meditate in a way I had never tried before.  I encourage everyone to read it and discover their own prayer type.


Six Ways to Pray from Six Great Saints