Tag Archives: January Feast Days

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Basil the Great, Feast Day January 2

St. Basil the Great

The feast day of St. Basil the Great is celebrated on January 2.  He is the patron saint of hospital administrators and a Doctor of the Church.  He was the Bishop of Caesarea

St. Basil was born in 330 at Caesarea of Cappadocia. He was born into a family of ten children. He studied at Constantinople and Athens where he met St. Gregory Nazianzen.

Before deciding to become a monk, he practiced law and opened a school. He directed the monastery in Pontus for five years. He eventually was ordained a priest. St. Basil became bishop in 370. He fought against Arianism ( the belief that Jesus was not divine in nature) at the Council of Constantinople. He also fought for reform of the clergy. He was known for his holiness and was tireless in caring for his people. He was known for preaching twice a day to huge crowds. The hospital that he built was a hospital that was called a wonder of the world.

Basil was best known for his preaching. Because of his writings he is considered a one of the great teachers of the Church.

Sickly since youth, the work of teaching, his life of abstinence, and the responsibilities and sorrows of pastoral service took their toll on him. Saint Basil died on January 1, 379 at age 49.

St. Basil is considered a Doctor of the Church. He is the patron saint of hospital administrators.

“Troubles are usually the brooms and shovels that

smooths the road to a good man’s fortune; 

and many a man curses the rain that falls upon his head,

and knows not that it brings abundance.”

Quote of St Basil the Great

January is the Month of the Holy Name



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Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Mary, Mother of God, Feast Day January 1

Virgin Mary, Mother of God

The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God is celebrated on New Years Day.   We continue to celebrate the joy of the birth of Jesus on Christmas day. Mary was chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus, the Son of God. Mary was given the title Theotokos which means “God-bearer” in Greek during the third or fourth century.

The divinity of Jesus has been argued about throughout the ages. The church has declared that Jesus is both fully human and fully divine…He has two natures. The church also teaches that Jesus was begotten not made. This means that Jesus has always existed in the Trinity. He became Man to redeem us and to give us the gift of salvation.

Because the church teaches that Jesus is the Lord, our God, this means Mary is the mother of God.

The mysteries of our faith are many. This mystery is truly beautiful. Mary, who was born without sin ( like Eve) said yes to the Angel during the Annunciation. Although troubled by the news that she would bear a son, she said;

“Let it be”.

We are all called to imitate Mary who is the first disciple of Jesus. Mary loved Jesus in a way none of us are able. She cared for him and took care of all his needs while he was growing up. There can be no doubt that Jesus also loved and honored Mary.

We are also called to honor Mary, just as Jesus honored His Mother. If Jesus honored and loved his mother, why shouldn’t we do the same?

Why should we be astonished if the God

who could work marvels in the scripture

and through His saints should choose to

reveal Himself even more marvelous

by means of His Mother?

Quote of St. Bernard; Feast day August 20

January is the Month of the Holy Name

