The feast day of St. Francis Caracciolo is celebrated on June 4.
St. Francis Caracciolo was born at Villa Santa Maria, Italy in 673. He was born into a noble family. While still young he came down with a skin disease that resembled leprosy. Already a very pious child, he vowed to devote his life to God if he was cured. After making the vow the skin disease was cured. At the age of 22, he began studying for the priesthood at Naples. He had a great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament spending many hours in prayer before Our Lord. He also visited those in prisons and hospitals.
St. Francis was ordained in 1587. He soon joined a confraternity known as “The White Robes of Justice”. They visited the criminals sentenced to die. Together with two other devout men he started a religious order called the Minor Clerks Regular. They were very strict. They fasted and did penitential acts. Two years later Francis became the Superior of the Order.
St. Francis spent many hours in the confession. He was known for his gift of discerning hearts and prophecy, foretelling the date of his own death. St. Francis died surrounded by his community on the Vigil of Corpus Christi, June 4, 1608 after coming down with a fever.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is not only the temple and the altar,
but also the censer of divine love….In that precious censer
all the worship, praise, prayers, desires, and affections
of all the saints are placed, like so many grains of incense
to be offered to God.
Quote of St. John Eudes; Feast day August 19
June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.