The feast day of St. Lydia is celebrated on August 3. St. Lydia is the first known convert of St. Paul.
St.Lydia was a wealthy businesswomen who sold purple dye and fabric. She was from Thyatira which is in modern day Turkey. Around the year 50, St. Lydia encountered St. Paul near the river in the city of Philippi which was a Roman colony. St. Paul shared the gospel message with her and the group of women she was with. St. Lydia and her family were baptized in the river.
St. Lydia was known for her hospitality. She invited St. Paul and his companions to stay in her home. She continued to help them even after they were arrested and imprisoned. The home of St. Lydia became a place for community gatherings.
St. Paul referred to the Christian community at Philippi as his ‘joy and crown’.
If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord,
come and stay at my home.
Quote of St. Lydia
August is the Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.