Category Archives: Featured

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Conversion of St. Paul, Feast Day January 25

Conversion of St. Paul


The feast day of the Conversion of St. Paul is celebrated on Jan. 25.  St. Paul is the patron saint of writers, publishers, musicians and evangelists. St. Paul was not one of the original twelve Apostles. He persecuted the early Christians. He was present at the stoning of St. Stephen, the first martyr. On the road to Damascus, he was struck by a heavenly light. He heard a voice saying to him,

“Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” He asked “Who are you Lord?” The reply came, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. But get up and enter the city and you will be told what you are to do.” (Acts 9:4-6)


After three days of blindness, scales fell off his eyes. He joined the Apostles becoming known as the Apostle to the Gentiles. St. Paul convinced St. Peter that the Gentiles did not need to become Jewish to follow Jesus. Because of this decision they decided not to require Gentiles to be circumcised to become Christian.

St. Paul wrote many of the books in the New Testament. He was instrumental in the Council of Jerusalem His missionary journeys took him many places: Asia Minor, Macedonia, Jerusalem and Europe.

St. Paul spoke about the mystical body of the church. He taught that the church is the living Body of Christ. It is one body, made up of many parts. It’s members are given different gifts to serve the Lord.

St. Paul suffered many hardships including three shipwrecks.  St. Paul died a martyr. He was beheaded in Rome in the year 65.

St. Paul is the patron saint of writers, publishers, musicians and evangelists.

The Feast of Sts. Peter and St. Paul is celebrated June 29.

O my Jesus,

what a soul

inflamed in Your love


Quote of St. Teresa of Avila; Feast day October 15

Conversion of St. Paul

The Month of January is the Month of the Holy Name



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Patrick, Feast Day March 17

St. Patrick
St. Patrick

The feast day of St. Patrick is celebrated on March 17. St. Patrick is the patron saint of slaves, Ireland and snakes.

St. Patrick was born in Kilpatrick, Scotland, in 387. His parents were Romans, living in Britain. At age 14 he was captured by a raiding party and taken to Ireland as a slave. As a slave, he tended to the sheep. He turned to God in prayer. His prayer “The Breastplate of St. Patrick” is well known.

Patrick was a slave until the age of 20. He received guidance in a dream. He was led to sailors who took him to Britain. In another dream, the people of Ireland asked him to return. He was reunited with his parents

St. Patrick studied to become a priest. He was ordained a priest by St. Germanus who was the bishop he studied under. He was ordained a priest, then a Bishop. As Bishop he was sent back to Ireland. Many people converted under his guidance. St. Patrick is known for using the shamrock to explain the Trinity. He served as the Bishop of Ireland for forty years. Many miracles are attributed to St. Patrick.

St. Patrick wroteThe Confession of St. Patrick” which tells about his passionate faith and the trials he experienced. St. Patrick died in Saul, where he built his first church, on March 17, 461


The Breastplate of St. Patrick

Christ be behind me, Christ be before me,
Christ be beside me…King of my heart.
Christ be within me, Christ be below me,
Christ be above me…never to part.
Christ on my right hand, Christ on my left hand,
Christ all around me…shield in the strife.
Christ in my sitting, Christ in my sleeping,
Christ in my rising…light of my life.

(may be sung to Morning has Broken)



March is the Month of St. Joseph


St. Patrick in Art




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Thomas the Apostle, Feast Day July 3


St. Thomas the Apostle Public Domain Image
St. Thomas the Apostle


The feast day of St. Thomas the Apostle is celebrated on July 3. Thomas was also called Didymus which means twin. St. Thomas is the patron saint of India and architects.

Thomas the Apostle was known for questioning things. He was not afraid to ask questions or state his disbelief. Jesus treated him with love and compassion.

St. Thomas was also known as “Doubting Thomas”. After the resurrection Jesus appeared to the Apostles. Thomas was not there and did not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead. When Jesus later appeared to him he saidPeace be with you. Do not doubt but believe.” (John 21:24) St. Thomas also asked Jesus “How can we follow you, when we know not where you are going?” Jesus responded, “I am the way, the truth and the life. Whoever follows me will live forever.”

Thomas was one of the original twelve apostles. He was present at the Last Supper. He was also present when Jesus had the Apostles lower their nets and they miraculously caught many fish. After the resurrection, St. Thomas was sent to evangelize the Parthians, the Persians and India. He is believed to have built the first church in India. St. Thomas died a martyr’s death when at Calamine in India he was speared to death while praying.


My Lord and my God!

Quote of St. Thomas the Apostle


July is the Month of the Most Precious BloodSave



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Elisha, Feast Day June 14

St. Elisha Public Domain Image
St. Elisha

The Feast day of St. Elisha is celebrated on June 14.   St. Elisha was a prophet in the ninth century.  His Hebrew name means “God is Salvation”.

St. Elisha was called to follow the prophet Elijah, his mentor, when Elijah cast his mantle on him indicating that he was to be his successor.  As Elijah ascended into heaven in a fiery chariot, Elisha asked for a double portion of St. Elijah’s spirit.  The spirit he received enabled him  to protect the faith.

St. Elisha was known for many miracles.  He divided the waters of Jordan.  He made the water from the Jericho Spring fit to drink.  He saved a poor widow from death by increasing the oil in her vessel.  He raised a child back to life after death.  He healed a Syrian officer from leprosy by having him bathe in the Jordan seven times.

St. Elisha continued the devotion begun by Elijah to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.  He is considered a patron saint of the Carmelite Order.  According to tradition, Elijah had a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The title of Mary “Star of the Sea” is believed go have originated with this vision.

St. Elisha died from old age at Samaria.


What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?

Quote of St. Ignatius of Loyola; Feast day July 31


June is the Month of the Sacred Heart





Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Erasmus (St. Elmo), Feast Day June 2

Martyrdom of St. Erasmos Public Domain Image
Martyrdom of St. Erasmus


The feast day of St. Erasmus (also known as St. Elmo), is celebrated on June 2. He is the patron saint of sailors and against intestinal troubles.

St. Erasmus lived in Italy. He is also known as St. Elmo. He served as the Bishop of Formiae, Campagna, Italy and was martyred during the persecutions of Christians by Diocletan.

Trying to flee the persecutions St. Elmo fled to Mt. Lebanon and lived in solitude for a time. When he was found, he was tortured and imprisoned. Because he refused to deny his faith he was scourged and cast into boiling oil, sulfur and pitch. He was miraculously saved from harm. According to legend and angel led him to freedom.

After escaping prison he converted many with his preaching and miracles. A second time he was captured, imprisoned and tortured. Again, an angel led him to freedom.  During his torture he had hot iron hooks struck into his intestines. He survived these wounds which is why he is invoked for intestinal problems.

St. Elmo is also the patron saint of sailors. A blue light appears at mastheads before and after a storm; the seamen took it as a sign of St. Erasmus’s protection. This became known as St. Elmo’s Fire.

St. Elmo died was martyred in 303. He was tortured and disemboweled.

St. Elmo is considered one of the 14 Helpers. These fourteen saints are considered very effective in their ability to intercede in times of trouble, especially matters of health.


Nothing unites us so intimately

to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ

as does the cross.

Quote of St. Margaret Mary; Feast day October 17

June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.


Which person in the Trinity do you find it easiest to pray to?

 Many of our formal prayers end with the Glory Be prayer. I asked my friends which person in the Trinity they found it easier to turn to, and who they found it difficult to turn to in prayer. There is no wrong answer! After reflecting, I realized that during my prayer journey (my pilgrimage) I have come to know each of the persons in the Trinity in a more personal way.
