Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen
I began my childhood by turning to my creator, The Father. Finding God in nature comes easily to me. As a child of God, I am in awe of his majesty and the beauty of his creation and the people I know and love.
As an adult, recognizing the movement of the Holy Spirit has become easier. The Holy Spirit is the director of the show. When the apostles were confused after the crucifixion, the Holy Spirit came and removed the confusion and fear. He enlightened them as to what the will of the Father was. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, the Christian Church was born. When I am in confusion, I turn to the Holy Spirit to guide me. Sometimes, He actually pushes me in the direction I need to go.
Getting to know Jesus has been the most difficult. I know now, that I was avoiding Jesus. I have always connected Jesus to the cross…suffering! When I began to experience the loss of loved ones in my life, however, I found it absolutely necessary to turn to Jesus.
I also turned to Mary and Joseph, the Holy Family. The Holy Family knows in a very real and human way what our pain is like. I no longer felt alone. They always listen to me, and they understand me. Each of the Holy Family is very human, even Jesus. I share my troubles and my joys with them every day.
Each of us has a unique prayer journey. We are pilgrims, trying to get to know God. Daily reflection is an important part of the journey.