Category Archives: Saint of the Day

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Seraphina, Feast Day March 12

St. Seraphina
The feast day of St.Seraphina is celebrated on March 12. 

St. Seraphina was born in San Gimignano, Italy to a poor family in 1238. As a young girl she was very pretty. After her father died, she came down with a strange illness. The illness took away her beauty. Her eyes, feet and hands became deformed.

Eventually, St. Seraphina was paralyzed. She helped her mother spin and sow. She never complained and was known for her serenity. Her mother also died leaving her with no income. A friend would bring her food.

St. Seraphina turned to Christ on the Cross for comfort. She felt she was called to imitate the suffering Christ. Her favorite saint was St. Gregory the Great, due to his many sufferings. She asked him to intercede for her, asking for patience to bear her sufferings. Eight days before her death, St. Gregory appeared to her telling her she would die on his feast day. His feast day was celebrated at the time on March 12. It is now celebrated on Sept. 3.

St. Seraphina died on March 12, 1253 at the age of 15.

The cross is the staff of the lame.

Quote of St. George of Amastris; Feast day February 21


March is the Month of St. Joseph




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Teresa Margaret Redi, Feast Day March 11

St. Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart.jpg6
The feast day of St. Teresa Margaret Redi is celebrated on March 11.  


Anna Maria Redi was born on July 15, 1747 into a large pious family in Florence, Italy. From an early age she was drawn to God. She was sent to a Benedictine boarding school at the age of nine. The nuns noticed her love of the Blessed Sacrament. She learned to meditate at a young age. Rather than seeking attention she preferred to go unnoticed and spend time alone. After meeting someone who was about to make a profession as a Carmelite, she had a spiritual experience and decided she too wanted to become a Carmelite.


At the age of 17 she entered the Carmelite convent, taking the name Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart. She advanced quickly in her spirituality. She was able to focus both on the contemplative prayer life and serving her community. She worked among the sick and as an assistant sacristan. She was very penitential; sleeping on the floor and living a very disciplined life. Several miracles are believed to have happened while she was working with the sick.

One Sunday, while in the choir, she had a mystical experience in which God revealed the deeper meaning of the Love of God. It transformed her knowledge of God. She tried to always offer a smile and serene attitude no matter what the situation. She believed that God would be found if God alone was sought. To love her neighbor, she decided to sympathize with their troubles, excuse their faults, always speak well of them and never willingly fail in charity, in thought, word or deed.

St. Teresa Margaret did experience the Night of the Spirit. She no longer received consolations from God and greatly feared offending God. She was greatly tempted by despair. It is believed she had a premonition regarding her death. Although she was very healthy, she probably died from a strangulated hernia. It was misdiagnosed as colic.

St. Teresa Margaret died on March 7, 1770 at the age of 22. She died holding her crucifix in her hands invoking the names of Jesus and Mary, otherwise suffering in silence.

The burial of St. Teresa Margaret was delayed because her body did not begin to decay. In fact, a sweet perfume was noticed  coming from the crypt (underground burial place). She was buried 18 days after her death and her body still had not decayed. Miracles were immediately reported after her death. Her incorrupt body was transferred on the Feast of the Sacred Heart to the nuns choir in the Carmel of Florence.


Always receive with equal contentment from God’s hand either consolations or sufferings, peace or distress, health or illness. Ask nothing, refuse nothing, but always be ready to do and to suffer anything that comes from His Providence.


Quote of St. Teresa Margaret Redi


March is the Month of St. Joseph

St. Teresa Margaret Redi in Art





Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Gregory of Nyssa, Feast Day March 9

St. Gregory of Nyssa


The feast day of St. Gregory of Nyssa is celebrated on March 9.  

St. Gregory was born in 335 in Cappadocia, Asia Miner. He came from a family of at least five saints. St. Basil and St. Emmilia were his parents. He was raised by his brother St. Basil the Great and his sister Macrina in what is today known as Turkey.

St. Gregory married but continued studying for the priesthood which at that time allowed married priests. In 372 he became the Bishop of Nyssa. He taught against many false doctrines, defending the divinity of Christ. He defended the orthodox beliefs on the Trinity, Incarnation and Redemption.

St. Gregory  was arrested briefly and falsely accused of embezzlement. He was restored as bishop in 378. St. Gregory attend the first Council of Constantinople in 381 and settled many disputes within the church. He was a philosophical theologian and mystic. He became known as the “Father of Mysticism.”   St. Gregory died in the year 395.



May what is pleasing to God be always in your mind and heart and in mine.

Quote of St. Gregory of Nyssa


March is the Month of St. Joseph.




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Colette, Feast Day March 6

St. Colette 2The feast day of St. Colette is celebrated on March 6.  

St. Colette was born in Corbie, France in 1380. Her father was a carpenter. Both her parents were near sixty when she was born. She was orphaned at the age of 17 and left in the care of a Benedictine abbot.

In her search for a vocation, St. Colette first joined the Bequins, then the Benedictines and the Urbanist Poor Clares. She then chose to live the life of a recluse. In her dreams, she received direction to reform the Poor Clares. She joined the Poor Clares, founding the Colettine Poor Clares. She founded over 17 convents under the reformed rule which was quite strict. Her reform movement met with resistance. She was even accused of sorcery.

St. Colette was well known for her sanctity, ecstasies and visions of the Passion. She foretold the date of her own death. She had a deep devotion to the Passion of Christ and was known for her love of animals. Her sanctity was rewarded with the gift of miracles and supernatural favors.

St. Colette
St. Colette died in 1447. She was canonized in 1807.


If there be a true way that leads to the Everlasting Kingdom, it is most certainly that of suffering, patiently endured.

Quote of St. Colette


March is the Month of St. Joseph

St. Colette in Art




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. John Joseph, Feast Day March 5

St. John Joseph
The feast day of St. John Joseph of the Cross is celebrated on March 5.

St. John Joseph was born on the Feast of the Assumption, to a noble family on the Island of Ischia in Southern Italy in 1654. From early childhood he lived a life of penitence and prayer. Although he was from a noble family his love of poverty led him to wear the clothes of the poor and often he gave them food and money.

When John was sixteen years old he entered the Order of St. Francis at Naples. He joined the Franciscan Friars of the Alcantarine Reform, which was begun by St. Peter of Alcantara. He fasted constantly and slept little.

In 674, St. John Joseph founded a friary at Afila in Piedmont. He worked alongside the builders while it was being built. He was ordained a priest and was appointed Vicar Provincial of the Alcantarine Reform in Italy. He was known for having the gift of miracles. As a result, many people came to him seeking cures from illness.


St. John Joseph had a great devotion to Our Lady and urged others to have the same devotion.

St. John Joseph died in1734. St. John Joseph of the Cross was beatified in 1789 and canonized in 1839.



There stood by the cross of Jesus His Mother…the nails pierced the hands of the Son and the heart of the Mother.

Quote of St. Thomas of Villanova; Feast day Sept. 22


March is the Month of St. Joseph




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Casimer, Feast Day March 4

St. Casimer
The feast day of St. Casimer is celebrated on March 4. 

St. Casimer was born to the King of Poland, King Casimer IV and Elizabeth of Austria in 1469. He was the third of thirteen children.

From an early age, Casimer was drawn to a life committed to God. He rebelled against a rich lifestyle, wearing only plain clothes. He slept little, preferring prayer. When he did sleep, he slept on the floor rather than in a bed meant for royalty. He was mocked for his faith and lifestyle but he chose to ignore it.

Out of obedience to his father, he led an army to take over the throne of Hungary even though he felt it was wrong. After soldiers began to desert he turned the army around and returned home. His angry father banished him to a castle in Debski. Casimer refused to cooperate with his father anymore. He preferred to spend time in prayer to the true king in his life, Christ. Choosing to remain celibate, he refused to marry the emperor’s daughter.

For a short time St. Casimer reigned as king of Poland during his father’s absence.  St. Casimer was also the Grand Duke of Lithuania.

While visiting Lithuania, he died at the age of 23 from tuberculosis in 1482. He was buried in Vilnius, Lithuania with his favorite song; “Omni die die Mariae” which is Latin for “Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary.” It became known as the Hymn of St. Casimer even though he had not written the hymn.


There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future.

Quote of St. Augustine of Hippo; Feast day August 28


March is the Month of St. Joseph
