The feast day of Bl. Caterina Citadini is celebrated on May 5.
Bl. Caterina was born in Italy in 1801. Her mother died when she was six years old. She and her sister were taken to an orphanage when their father abandoned them. She became very devoted to the Bl. Virgin Mary and her guardian angel. She received her teaching degree and left the orphanage.
Caterina and her sister Giuditta lived the town of Somasca where they began a school and an orphanage. In 1840 Caterina’s sister died suddenly. After Caterina died in 1857 her educational institute was finally granted recognition as a religious congregation known as the Ursuline Sisters of Somasca.
The passion of the Lord is here in truth, shaking the earth, rending the rocks and opening tombs.
Quote of St. Bernard; Feast day August 20
May is the Month of Our Lady