The feast day of St. Anthony of Egypt is celebrated on January 17. He was a hermit and monk.
St. Anthony of Egypt was orphaned at the age of 20. His inheritance was quite large. He was inspired by the Gospel of Mark 10:21:
“Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor.”
St. Anthony proceeded to do just that. He was drawn to a life of solitude, fasting and prayer. He eventually chose to go out into the desert to live in solitude. He was followed by other monks who turned to him for guidance. With them a monastery was founded. St. Anthony became well known for his teaching. He tutored Athanasius, Jerome, Basil and Augustine.
While it is known that St. Anthony wrestled with the devil to resist many temptations, he was also known for the healings which occurred through his prayers of intercession.
St. Anthony died in solitude at the age of 105 in the year 356.
“My secret is quite simple…..
I pray!”
Quote of St. Teresa of Calcutta; Feast day September 5
January is the Month of the Holy Name