The feast Day of St. John Cantius is celebrated on December 23. He was a priest in Poland.
St. John Cantius was born in 1397 in the Polish town of Kanty. He is also known as St. John of Kanty. He studied at a university in Krakow, Poland. After being ordained a priest, he was offered a position as rector of a school in Miechow. During this time he studied the writings and spirituality of St. Augustine. In 1429, he returned to Krakow, accepting a position in the Philosophy Department at Jagiellonian University. Eventually, he became the head of the Philosophy Dept. then the directorship of the University’s Theology Department.
St. John led a very austere life. He kept only what he absolutely needed, sleeping little and on the floor. He ate very little, consuming no meat. He was known for his kindness and generosity and was taken advantage of because of it. St. John had an affinity to the less fortunate and to the students.
At the time of his death in 1472, he was beloved and considered a holy man. Veneration began immediately after his death.
Pope John Paul II had a devotion to this saint from Poland.
Fight all error, but do it with good humor,
patience, kindness, and love.
Harshness will damage your own soul
and spoil the best cause.
Quote of St. John Cantius
December is the Month of the Divine Infancy