The feast day of St. John Eudes is celebrated on August 19. St. John Eudes was born in Ri, France on Nov. 14, 1601. At the age of 14 he took a vow of chastity. He was ordained a priest in 1625 after studying at a Jesuit college at Caen, France.
As a priest, St John Eudes ministered to the victims of the plague. He cared for the sick while at the same time becoming well known as a preacher in France and Normandy. In 1641 he founded the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge. Their purpose was to give aid to prostitutes. He also founded the Society of Jesus and Mary for the education of priests.
St. John Eudes encouraged devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Holy Heart of Mary writing the first book about the devotion.
St. John Eudes died at Caen on August 219, 1680. He was canonized in 1925.
Faith is a beam radiating from the face of God.
Quote of St. John Eudes
August is the Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary