The feast day of St. Sabas is celebrated on December 5. He was a priest and monk. St. Sabas was born at Mutalaska, Cappadocia. His father was an army officer. he was raised by an uncle whose wife mistreated him.
At the age of eight Sabas ran away to another uncle, only to run away again later when a dispute arose. He went to live in a monastery. At the age of 30, he became a hermit. St. Euthymius was his advisor. When Euthymius died, he lived alone in the desert for four years.
Although he loved solitude, disciples were drawn to him, eventually numbering 150 monks. A priest was requested and he accepted ordination in 491. His followers were from Egypt and Armenia. They built several hospitals.
St. Sabas lived to over 90 years of age. He is considered one of the founders of Eastern Monasticism.
Everywhere and forever
we are in God’s hands.
Quote of Bl. Theodore Romzha; Feast day Nov. 1
December is the Month of the Divine Infancy