The feast day of St. Frumentius is celebrated on October 27. St. Frumentius was born in Lebanon. He helped bring Christianity to Ethiopia and is considered the patron saint of Ethiopia.
Around the year 330, Frumentius and his brother Aedesius took a voyage to the coast of Arabia. They were both students. On the trip home their ship docked at an Ethiopian port. A great riot occurred in which the natives massacred the crew and passengers. The only two to survive were the two brothers who were studying under a tree.
When they were found, they were taken to the king. He was so impressed with their knowledge that he made Aedesius his cupbearer, and Frumentius his secretary. Before the king died, he granted the two brothers liberty in gratitude for their service. The Queen, however, requested that they stay and help her. They agreed to do so.
He led many souls to the faith. He was known for miracles and his preaching. When he died around the year 383 he was reverently called Abuna which means Our Father and Aba Salama which means Father of Peace. To this day Abuna is the title of the primate of the Church of Ethiopia.
For whoever seeks God while wanting to hold onto his own likes and dislikes, may seek him night and day but will never find him.
Quote of St. John of the Cross; Feast Day Dec. 14
October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary