The feast day of the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on September 12.
On this day we reflect on the titles given to Mary. Why has she become known by so many names? Which name touches you the most when you think about the Blessed Virgin Mary? Mary, Mother of God? Mary, Queen of Saints? The Immaculate Heart of Mary?
Each name tells us something about Mary, who loved and gave birth to Jesus. Our Sorrowful Mother helps us to reflect on the suffering Mary experienced. Some of her titles refer to the place in which she appeared to someone: Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, and Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Other titles refer to her spirituality: Our Lady of the Rosary, Our Lady of Grace, Mystical Rose, Star of the Sea.
The name we are given at birth is important. We are called by that name throughout our life. Each of us has been called to do something specific for God. Perhaps it is prayer. Perhaps it is raising a family with love. Perhaps it is a profession like teaching or medicine, or farming.
Mary was called by God for a very special purpose. She was asked to love and raise Jesus, the Son of God. She became the Mother of God and loved him in a way none of us can.
Today is a day to reflect on the role of Mary in the life of Jesus. We can also reflect on our role in the world. If we honor and imitate the mother of Jesus, we can be certain that we will come to know Jesus better.
Mary is called Queen of Martyrs, for her martyrdom was the lengthiest, most intense, and most loving.
Quote of Bl. James Alberione
September is the Month of Our Lady of Sorrows