The feast day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is celebrated on September 8. On this day the church reflects on the birth of Mary and her role in salvation.
Mary was the only child of St. Anne and St. Joachim. They had been praying for a child and it seemed as if they would be unable to conceive. However, although St. Anne was not young, she conceived and became the mother of the mother of God!
The feast day is celebrated nine months after the celebration of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8. The Immaculate Conception celebrates the belief that Mary was born without the stain of original sin. She was the “second Eve”. Eve, also was born without original sin but she chose to disobey God. Mary, however, always said “yes” to God.
Reflecting on the life of Mary can take us in many directions. How is it possible to become the Mother of God? How is it possible to become the Grandmother of God as St. Anne did? We know that Mary was chosen for the title of Mother of God. St. Anne and St. Joachim were also chosen…to be the parents of Mary.
We too have been chosen. Where is God leading you? Is your family life holy? What needs to improve in your life to help you grow closer to God? Is your prayer life healthy? Learning to communicate with God leads us to know his will in our life. Just as Mary said “yes”, we too must try to do the will of God.
Each of us is unique in the way we communicate with God. Exploring the different prayer styles can help us to find the type of prayer that suits us best. To understand what God’s will is, we must discover how God is “present” in our life. Making time for prayer is the first step. Admitting that we need guidance (humility) will help us to take the time to listen for the whisper that comes from God.
The Virgin Mother’s heart remained perpetually inflamed with the holy love which she received of her Son.
Quote of St. Francis de Sales; Feast Day January 24
September is the Month of Our Lady of Sorrows