Tag Archives: Order of Servites

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Peregrine, Feast Day Feb. 17

St. Peregrine
The feast day of the Seven Founders of the Order of Servites is celebrated on Feb. 17.  St. Peregrine was a member of the Servite Order. He is the patron saint of cancer patients.

On the feast of the Assumption of Mary, the Virgin Mary surrounded by Angels appeared to seven men in Florence, Italy. She said,

“I would like you to leave the world and later I will tell you what I want you to do.”

They built a simple church and lived as hermits.  Many years later, Mary appeared again, directing them to be called “Servants of Mary”.

“I have chosen you to be my first Servants and under this name you are to till my Son’s Vineyard.”

They followed the Rule of St. Augustine and dedicated themselves to spread the devotion to the Passion of Jesus and the Sorrows of Mary.

St. Peregrine is one of the most well know Servite saints. He was born in Forli, Italy. While still young he was active in politics and was a member of the anti-papal party.  During a protest in which St. Philip Benzi was mediating, Peregrine, who was just 18 years old, repented when he saw the humility of St. Philip.  He converted to the catholic faith and after receiving a vision from Our Lady he went to Siena and joined the Servites. As a priest he was a good preacher and known as an excellent confessor. He brought many people back to the faith through the sacrament of confession.

In his sixties, he developed a tumor on his leg which continued to worsen until the doctors decided it must be amputated. He prayed throughout the night, experiencing a vision of Jesus descending from the cross to heal his leg. When he awoke he was completely cured. The news of this miracle spread quickly.
St. Peregrine died at the age of 85 in 1345.   The feast day of St. Peregrine is celebrated on May 1.

Loving God, in spite of all that you give us,
we still find suffering in our lives.
You generously offered healing to our Servite Brother Peregrine.
Following his example, we turn to you with our troubles.
Strengthen those who suffer from cancer and other serious diseases.
Look kindly upon us all and heal us.
Give us comfort in the troublesome moments of our personal lives.
Heal us of hurt and resentment. Give grace and joy to our spirit,
that we might continue to praise you.
We ask these things through Christ our Lord. Amen

Author unknown

February is the Month of the Passion of the Lord.



